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Outside smoking "found her" Draco said infront of me I lean off the wall "Venessa.." joshua said as I was gonna say something to draco I looked over to my brother "your hiding from who?" he asked "don't take a genius to find out" I move my cigarette as he goes and gets it "black?" he asked "riddle" I rolled my eye's joshua turns around "you" mattheo said walking up to me I don't move "what did you do now?" joshua asked I smirked "fuck sake Venessa you didn't" he said grossed out "wasn't me" I laughed "you made her fuck me" he's in my face inhaling his cologne "mhmm not really but you liked it" I turned his face to the side seeing a hickey on his neck he grabs my arm and pulled me to the wall "you forced black sister onto me yes it was your fucking fault" he shouts "you could of shoved her away, undo the spell but no you let it happen" I knees him away walking over to him "am only matching the perfect couple" I hand joshua the cigarette "as fuck I would date that slut!" He shouts "you already fucked her" I turned around with her pleased with herself joshua laughs I shove him away I turned around as she walks over to mattheo I watch from a distance he glares at me I wave smirking I raised my eyebrows as she slaps him she goes to walk passed me I grabbed her arm pulling her back "bitch! Get off me" she asked "you fight the compulsion how?" I asked her "so it was you" she gets her arm back "how did you fight the urge to ask him out" I asked her "switched the drinks with someone else" she replied yet you fucked him "lier, how did you fight the urge?" I walked over to her as she walks back "I just did ok!" She shouts I trio her up and stab both arms so she's stuck to the ground "quit lying to my face, how did you fight the fucking urge! yet been compelled to fuck him!" I asked her "I wasn't compelled to fuck him he asked me he stole my clothes reason why I slapped him?" She explains confused I take my daggers back and walked to "hermonie" I asked she jumps "you did the spell wrong and lied to me about it" I said to her pissed off "I gave you the wrong one because I needed the one you wanted" she explains "giving it Ron? who asked me out your not so clever" I go and get my daggers out but someone holds them in place "leave her I knew you was planning something I told her to give you the wrong one" mattheo said behind me I rip my daggers out his grip he groans I turned around pointing my dagger at his throat "I tell the truth to everyone and you all lie to me?" I asked him "blame me, my fault I made them lie" he moved closer "Venessa that's enough!" joshua asked I don't move "trust me" mattheo asked I looked at him weary moving his hands to mine "let go" mattheo looked at the dagger then at me I give in and hand him "the other ones" he asked I moved back "I won't hurt you, I'm just gonna keep them away from your reach for a while" he explains I take one out my boot and bra and hand them him "that all?" he asked I rolled my eyes and take one out my hair I trace over my Uncials my first dagger then I hand it out to him he goes and gets it I moved it back "how long?" I asked him "till your trusted to have them back could be tomorrow" he said better be I give it him he walks over to joshua I follow behind to mattheo giving joshua one with the uncial "she's still lethal even without them" joshua said to mattheo "the longer she's not getting them if she tries it on anyone else" he looks over to me I glare at him he smiled "what is your last lesson for today?" he asked walking backwards as am not answering him "she has Transfiguration with draco and I" pansy said next to me linked arms with mine I glared at mattheo he shook his head fuck sake
all in her class "right, we'll today we will be transforming animals into water goblets like so.." she leads on as she demonstrates "1,2,3 vera verto" she said and the vulture turns into a water goblet "well now it's your turn" she walks down "who would like to go first, ah mr Weasley" she walks over to him he cleared his throat and points it at his rat 3 times "vera verto" he says and it becomes a rat shaped water goblet some laugh "that wand needs to be replacing mr Weasley" she cleared her throat pointing at Ron then walks back to her stand

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