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Mattheo riddle, definitely like his mother luckily I actually like her I moved his curls out his face he grips onto my arm "just looking at something I need to work with, cute got any girls jumping at you?" I asked him he pulls his arm away "most definitely now that your hear" he said his voice deep, yet soft I looked over my shoulder the girls turned there heads away I looked at mattheo "my insider is one of your friends any other questions?" I asked him "why are you here?" He asked more like Tom asked "fresh start, nobody knows who I am only what they heard which could be true..could be rumours" I explain true fully gotta earn his trust "mhmm they all came from Tom you've messed him bad" mattheo gets up "he's the one who broke it off" I said confused he sat down I looked over to him "because he listened to me I didn't think he would actually would the way he spoke about you made me angry and frustrated that day is when we met and when I told him to completely ignore you" he explains whispery "now all that has changed hasn't it? your thoughts onto me? blame my father turning me into a soft cow" I said then get up leaving he follows me "you soft? Nothings changed" he said then pulls on my arm I turned around facing him "you still don't know me, best if we keeps our paths apart" I nod behind him to we're Tom is he looks over I walked away "morning to you to, the fact I had to go looking for you be proud" I walked into the common room seeing my brother I play with his hair as am behind him "should I though? Toms enough now your going after his brother?" he asked leaning his head back to me "as fuck I am the fuck you got that information from? I literally just came and asked Parkinson for a party I'm in no mood for boys or girls at the minute" I moved around the couch to infront of him "what you think?..lier or telling the truth?" regulus asked blondie next to him I use my dark mark behind him with my dagger to his throat "woah-fucking hell" Draco moves away with his hands surrounding "watch what you do next sissy" he looks up at me "don't fucking tempt me" I asked him "wow you've gone soft haven't you who caught your eye? and so quickly back to being the duck?" he asked I moved it closer to his throat the steel against his skin glaring at him "mhm no what is it?" he asked gripping my wrist I twist his quickly pulling him back and my foot on his chest he groans "should of seen that coming who the fuck is training you?" he asked sitting up I moved my foot off him "someone who taught you, cute girl" I smirked "you back the fuck off michelle VENESSA!" he shouts as I walked around the brothers smirking away I stopped as regulus appears infront of me with my dagger in his hand pointing it at me I tilt my head slightly looking at the dagger then at him I moved my hands behind my back both hands in sleeves clutching onto my daggers "guys not out hear"-I block his attack then slide underneath his legs cutting both not deep hearing him groan behind me I looked over my shoulder as I stand up turning around walking up behind him taking my dagger "thank you" I smiled "wonder if she's bi" I asked him then walked away backwards staring at Tom smiling then turned back around walking away to "michelle Clarence" I smiled "miss snape what can I help you with?" she asked with her body turned away from me diamond shaped tights with a Maroon red skirt black top and a dark red scarf i walked behind him "been fighting with your brother?" she turned around I raise my eyes to hers "that obvious" I asked her smiling "no smiling, it's not good for you or him having to come to me to heal him" she explained he what? No wonder he's always flushed "you look pissed..tell me..what happened" she asked sitting on the desk and pulling me closer to her by my waist I looked down then back at her "show you" I whisper down ear I take her scarf off kissing her neck anytime she needs to moan loud she'll grip me for me to change something I sometimes do it on purpose because I even get bored of the same place her hands moved down underneath my skirt "higher don't be nervous" I whisper
Mattheo poverty

Watching from afar with her brother my leg on the wall behind me lighting a cigarette Michelle locks eyes on her brother ooo what she trying to do? because whatever it is it's working Mhmm gonna have to try it on her at some point joshua walks over to them both "the fuck have I just told you!" Joshua asked her as she's smirking away or maybe her if am getting the same treatment no thank you I hand Venessa my cigarette which she takes and moves it away from her brother as she's lying down "you slut!" joshua said to Michelle "he'll craw back to you don't think about it he don't mean it" Venessa sits up handing her the cigarette she shakes her head Mhmm little sweet innocent girl Venessa kisses her then walks away "so my turn?" I asked her she bursts out laughing the fuck? "No I had enough being strangled today by that cunt" she said as we walked over to draco and her brother and mine "I only strangled you twice?" joshua said "mhmm sure, anyways sort your brother out" she said handing me the cigarette looking at Tom "he asked you didn't he?" both Tom and Joshua asked she moved joshua back to the wall with her hand on his chest "enough got it?" She asked him "he asked you to fuck him" joshua points at me she take his hand "enough I don't give any shits till black comes he's all yours" I explain "he don't come hear" they all said I bang my head on joshua shoulder fuck sake I drag joshua with me to dumbledoor office "miss snape and mr snape what can I help you with?" he asked

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