Troubled task

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after months of planning and preparation the others throw bombs around her cell I sneak in and give her clothes and get her out of the chains we all leave hearing the alarms go off in the background
back at hogwarts castle common room with the others albus urgently told us to go to our rooms I turned the corner and listened in "the she who can not be named has escaped" albus said shaky "we must all protect mr potter" dad? he's double agent the mole voldermort was talking about fuck sake dad no I hide from the other teachers seconds later "come on out" dad asked I closed my eyes and re open them I shown myself "don't do it anymore end it!, quit being the good guy then be a side job to voldermort he knows! if you stop now you'll live" I explain "Venessa it isn't that easy" he said "really? because why you love potters mother? I know all about what happened in the past" I hugged dad "Venessa?" Joshua whispers I smile and pulled away turning around "" Joshua asked confused "go to your rooms don't get caught on the halls.." dad said then walks away the opposite way "you've been crying?" joshua asked then yarns "couldn't sleep" I wipe my tears he nods "fine but only this once" he points at me I smile "you love my cuddles don't lie" I cuddle his arm "no, your two sweaty" he moves me away "your cold" I whine as we reach his room

Next morning

Going to riddles room I knocked on then walked in slowly closing the door and taking my jacket off and shoes slowly I tap mattheo he flickers his eyes open "nessa?" he asked confused "joshua kicked me out of his room" I whisper he nods and I cuddl...

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Going to riddles room I knocked on then walked in slowly closing the door and taking my jacket off and shoes slowly I tap mattheo he flickers his eyes open "nessa?" he asked confused "joshua kicked me out of his room" I whisper he nods and I cuddle him
in the big hall "I woke up with them two cuddling so.." Tom blurts "because someone kicked me out there's for a girl who by the way ain't there sister" I glare at joshua "and like I told you last night you were to sweaty to be cuddled if you were cold yeah i wouldn't of 'kicked' you out but hears an idea use your own room" joshua explains "it's like a freezer in there no" I said confused "can we switch rooms?" joshua asked "fine by me" I shrugged "so you came to me in the middle of the night because you wanted to be cuddled? but the main reason was because your room was freezing?" mattheo explains I don't talk just continue eating "oh now you shut up? mhmm very convenient" he said I looked over to him "it pretty sums it up don't need to use my voice if you knew" I explain "you used me for heat yeah never again" he points at me with a fork "that it will" joshua said as I reach for grapes which I get "no she won't I'll kick her out" mattheo joshua laughs "she won't give two shits you could be in the middle of fucking someone and she will shove the girl off you so your cuddling her" joshua explains once aupon a time I giggle eating my grapes then looked up at regulus "still haven't forgiven you for that" he said I laugh along with others "don't have to how is Tamika doing anyways?" I asked him "you killed her that night" he said muttered I looked up confused "am sure that was jorden who died for pulling my hair?" I asked him "how many times have you done it?" mattheo asked shocked I shrug "nooo your thinking of oh what's her name, Solaris, jordan is the one who ran out the window" he explains I laugh "oh yeah fun times" I giggle "you made someone run out the window?" Tom asked "basically regulus was experimenting if he was bisexual which he ain't and fucked a dude who just jumped out the window we both bursted out laughing as my brother shouts why is there naked dude lying down on my garden and we both just laughed our heads off I almost pissed my pants" I explain "it was you two?" Joshua asked I nod "why didn't you go into his room?" pansy asked a good question for once "I don't know where his room is other wize I would of been cuddling with him every night" I explain "thank fuck for that have fun riddle" regulus explains "yeah I ain't gonna have fun every night?" mattheo asked me I shrug "she ain't sleeping with me so don't even think" Tom explains "aww why?" I whine "yeah..why?" Mattheo asked "why not your brother?" he complained "she knows why, can't be regulus so it's between the riddle brothers" joshua explains "am I out the question?" draco asked "definitely,never ask again" I eat a grape "am two hot your taste" he said then gets up leaving "you sure about that?" I cleared my throat Tom spits out his drink "always swallow" I hand him a cloth smirking

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