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I get pulled back mattheo.. I take my hand back from him "look at me!" he asked moving my face staring into his which I pulled his hands off me "the fuck is wrong with you?, touch me again I dare you"-I slapped him across his cheek pretty hard to the point where my hand is stinging a little from the contact "that's enough!" Tom pulls me away "glad we're on the same page unlike your brother" I glared at mattheo then went back to luna "you ok?" she asked I take a deep breathe in then out through the mouth "yeah" lier "Venessa I know your lying, you'll go to your dorm get stoned think about...Jordan then smash everything fix it in the morning I wake you up and the cycle starts again..talk to mattheo" she turns me around tapping my shoulder "I despise him why would I wanna talk to him when I have you?" I turned sround facing her "go.." she asked pointing "ever tell you I hate you?" I asked her changing the subject "I love you to..talk to riddle, fluffy haired one?" She smiled I glare at her I use my darkmark behind him as he saw the whole thing smoking leaning on the short wall "entertained enough?" I take his cigarette "gonna apologise my cheek hurts?" he asked taking the cigarette back "you deserve it so no" I rolled my eyes walking passed him "I deserved nothing you don't make the rules on what I can and can't do, something you told luna yesterday letting cho bully her" he explains this bitch trying to psych me out? "huh huh right? because that involves you...because?" I turned around "s"-he went to answer but I interrupted him "you've got No permission from me to touch me, nada, zero nothing you want my trust? earn it ain't gonna be easy from all the shit you put me through" I walked over to him poking him "the shit I put you through? Iv down shit all you started this fucking hatred war thing 'don't talk to me were siblings not a couple' do I need to remind you that was so you can survive everyone knows your snape now oo look at that your alive and somewhat punishing me for it!" he slapped my hand away gripping onto it tight this took a turn "you seriously don't remember do you?, you know me but not my story apparently.." I ragged my arm "Penelope?" he stepped back eyes wide opened "the fuck is going on?" Jordan walked over "max.." I crossed my arms "hey that was-you lied about your name don't turn that onto me!" he said after analysis my body head to toe "because you didn't mention your a fucking riddle! till a few years back I had no fucking clue who you was I told you all my secrets my darkest fears then you fucking abandoned me!" I push him tearing up he pushed me against the wall with my arms above my head "I know!...alright i know I had to move" he pulls away "you sick prick..." mother was right you can't trust other then yourself but even then I can't even do that "who's max and Penelope?" darcy asked "nobody.." mattheo said quietly "I'm gonna keep my promise to you, protecting you nothing more like old times?" he asked holding out his hand like an offer "we've aged, or more one of us has..past stays within its era" I went to walk passed him he grabbed my arm "the question was rhetorical didn't need an answer" he whispered no don't fall for the trap! oh fuck it, I looked up at him "then tell them who's max who he used to be? explain to them how sweet and generous you was, how you would always smile at the mention of Penelope, the guy who Penelope fell for where the fuck has he gone?" I asked him "they obviously need the room..." darcy perked up everyone left the second the door closed his lips landed onto mine he loosens his grip on my arm to my throat "like you said, we've changed, times change where's the innocent, nerdy Penelope, who desperately needed to change"-he planted his lips onto mine only this time only more passionately, slowly I pulled away "softy,shivered if the wind hit to hard in the wrong direction" -he walks up to me as I walked back no "the time we went flower shopping the second the lapis inhaled your nose you had the biggest smile on your face you can practically see the rainbow with the unicorn dancing above your head" I grip the edge of the draws only missing the vase fell he quickly gripped my wrist as I almost fell I looked over with the vase in peace's I looked up into his brown hazel eyes locking into mine sucking my soul I pulled him closer by his belt and leaned in kissing his soft, pillow lips am a bad person letting my greed get to me

PuréeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora