she dissolves into a conversation about child therapy, telling sapnap little facts and figures and things and he listens intently because it's something she's passionate about and that makes him happy.

generally though, they eat in a peaceful silence. karl is usually the one who carries the conversation for them all, so his quietness seems to spread throughout their small dynamic.

their mealtime ends when the food is gone and tina dismisses herself under the premise of going to have a bath. karl still seems pretty unbothered about everything, so sapnap leaves the brunette to sit in peace while he cleans up the leftovers and washes their cutlery.

then, together, they silently make their way to karl's bedroom. karl is already in a t-shirt and sweatpants, so he flops right into bed whilst sapnap makes his way over to the other's closet and pulls it open, getting out comfy clothes for himself.

"how was your studying today?" the ravenette asks as he pulls off his work shirt, replacing it with a big hoodie that was hung on karl's side even though it belongs to the other.

"good," karl replies, which is weirdly blunt for him.

sapnap turns to face his lover as he undoes his pants, searching karl's expression while he pushes them off. "are you okay?" he asks, kicking the pants away and switching them for sweatpants. "you seem tired."

"i'm fine, sap," karl dismisses with a sigh, as if the ravenette is getting on his nerves. it worries sapnap a bit, but he tries not to dwell on it, even as the brunette rolls over to face the other way.

sapnap climbs into bed with his fiancé. he has a feeling that karl is stressed about something, but he doesn't know what or why and he doesn't want to ask if it will annoy his significant other, so he says nothing.

instead, he cuddles into the sheets behind him, throwing an arm over karl's waist and curving their bodies together. he pulls karl close as the little spoon, pressing a kiss to the back of his shoulder.

"have you got work tomorrow?" he asks, moving his hand down to skim a few of his fingers up under the hem of the other's shirt, feeling the warmth of the skin on his belly.

"yep," karl answers, "just like i do every tuesday."

sapnap really isn't used to his fiancé being so snappy. it's so unlike him. he instinctively pulls his arms away from around the brunette, worrying that maybe the closeness is bothering him, and rolls onto his back instead. "are you sure you're okay?" he asks.

now on his back, sapnap is forced to stare up at the yellow-sticky man on his lover's ceiling. the plastic is smiling down at him and it feels taunting.

sapnap is the one who put him up there, to be fair. he had gotten a three-pack from an arcade and thought that sticking them on the ceiling was funny. he left on here, one above his couch, and one above his desk at work. his three most important places, all equipt with sticky men.

after a long moment, karl sighs. he rolls over, and sapnap looks over to see the brunette frowning apologetically. "i'm sorry," he says, "i'm just tired."

sapnap smiles. he holds an arm out, feeling complete again when his fiancé shuffles into his side. "it's okay to be tired, love."

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