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AYAKA COULDN'T properly look Bakugou in the eyes after he woke up.

He was extremely pissed off at Midnight, so she was admittedly a bit scared of him for that. Though, even then, he was just generally terrifying as well. It completely rivaled his earlier emotions, from when he looked so unbelievably sad, to when he looked so unbelievably terrifying.

When she was back in the main area of the stadium, she was on the third place podium, right next to first place. The first place podium held an angry Bakugou, who screamed and struggled.

You may probably wonder why. Bakugou had been completely restrained to the podium, a large pole being placed behind him so he was unable to move. He had large cuffs on his arms that attached him to the pole, along with a muzzle on his face.

He only struggled more upon seeing the rest of the students. Ayaka swallowed, looking over at Todoroki, who looked completely unaffected. She also looked over at her friends, who all gave her encouraging (but also nervous) signals.

He's like a wild animal...

"Iida was actually in third place with Kurosawa, but he unfortunately had to leave for family reasons." Midnight announced, making Ayaka raise her eyebrows in surprise.

I wonder why Iida had to leave...I hope he's alright.

"Now, let's break out the hardware!" said Midnight, raising an arm in the air. "Of course, there's only one person worthy of distributing the awards: All Might, the number one hero!"

All Might jumped into the stadium with a loud impact, beaming as he usually would. Ayaka's eyes widened. Despite having spent so much time with All Might as her teacher, it still felt like such an honor to get an award from him.

"Now, how about we begin to hand out the awards, All Might?" Midnight managed to say, despite the crowd being so loud after All Night's entrance. The man nodded, laughing cheerfully as he took three medals from Midnight's hand.

All Might walked over to Ayaka, holding the third place medal with both of his hands. It was almost like the noise in the stadium had stopped, and it was only those two.

"Congratulations on third place, Kurosawa." All Might spoke, allowing her to lean forward so he could place the bronze medal around her neck. When he did, she held it with one of her hands and smiled to herself. "Your performance throughout the festival was outstanding, but we need to improve your endurance, agility, and instinct."

Yeah, tell me something I don't know... Ayaka anxiously thought to herself. She nodded at the man, cuing him to move onto Todoroki next.

She looked down at her friends, who were all still smiling up at her, looking extremely proud. Yuzuki was one of the main people she noticed, and she was actually smiling, despite the earlier circumstances with her watch.

Ayaka looked up at her mother's seat, expecting to find her there. Though she was again crushed when she wasn't there. She looked down at her feet, releasing her medal with a frown, letting it hang around her neck.

I could've done so much better for her...


Ayaka was slumped forward, frowning as soon as she left the awards ceremony. Kirishima and Mina had gotten to her first with excited faces, seeing her disappointed expression. When she explained what happened with her mom, Mina hugged her. There wasn't much said after that, not until they got outside.

heart of a hero. || a bnha oc storyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora