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This was it.

Ayaka stopped in her tracks at the front gate of U.A, taking in the sight of the huge building and the groups of students walking inside. She straightened her tie, smoothed out her skirt, then gulped, slowly pushing forward.

Ayaka took a look around just in time for her strands of purple hair to fall in front of her face. She tucked one of the strands behind her ear and spotted a few students talking as they walked closer and closer to the school entrance.

Ayaka frowned. She looked down at her more professional uniform, while everyone else seemed to be wearing normal uniforms. She couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows, pulling the strap of her backpack higher onto her shoulder.

"I have to look so professional..." grumbled Ayaka, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "It's probably because I got in on the recommendations or something stupid like that..."

Ayaka didn't have to do the entrance exam. Her mom was rich and well-respected due to the amount of heroes and teachers she knew around the country.

Her name was Chiyo Kurosawa, known as pro-hero Meteor. It's assumed that Ayaka got her quirk from her, considering they're related in a 'manipulation' type of way. Her quirk was called Weather Bomb and it meant that she was able to manipulate the weather and temperature based on her emotions. Yes, it may sound disastrous, but she learned to control it extremely well. She was a part-time hero due to her having to take care of Ayaka, but she was still an adored hero nonetheless.

Her mother and father were divorced, so Ayaka hadn't been able to personally see her father often, considering her mother had custody over her. They were all on good terms with eachother and Ayaka had seen him on the news a lot, fighting villains.

His name was Ryoto Saionji, known as pro-hero Talon. His quirk was called Dragon Strike and gave him the ability to turn into a powerful dragon. He was often seen as terrifying, but he was actually a very kind man and would do anything to protect the citizens. Ayaka was proud of him for following his dreams to become a full-time pro-hero.

Getting off the topic of their parents, Ayaka was let into the school on a recommendation, due to their powerful telekinesis and telepathic dual quirk. Ayaka had been put in a newspaper article once for being the daughter of Ryoto Saionji and Chiyo Kurosawa, and that article basically dumped the entire summary of Ayaka's powers to the country. Ryoto almost sued them for writing an unauthorized article about a citizen's powers, before they removed it.

Ayaka realized she was stuck in her thoughts when she bumped into the outside wall, eliciting a shriek from her. She reeled back, adjusting her backpack once again. She shot her hand downward, triggering her power accidentally, making her stumble and fall on her butt.

She groaned, rubbing her forehead where she had bumped into the wall moments ago. When she heard laughter from nearby, she looked to her right to see a boy with blonde hair laughing, along with an animal hybrid of some sort glaring at her. She gulped, scrambling to get onto her feet.

"A student from 1A and yet she can't even stay on her feet." said the blonde with a laugh. "How pathetic! We should've taken your spot."

Ayaka furrowed her eyebrows, confused. How did he know that she was in class 1A? As the two students passed by her, walking into the school, the animal hybrid yelled back to her, "if you don't watch where you're going, you're never going to get anywhere at this school."

Ayaka frowned, watching as the two students walked down the hall and out of sight. She straightened her backpack enough to make her look put together, straightened her shoulders and untucked her purple hair piece from behind her ear.

She walked forward and into the school, trying to keep a serious expression on her face. It took everything to keep herself from fidgeting, playing with her tie, taking a strap from her backpack off of one shoulder—literally everything. It was times like this that Ayaka wished she was still on her ADHD pills.

Ayaka knew exactly where class 1A was. The amount of times she looked at this school as she passed by was insane, and she always, every single time, saw class 1A in session through a window. Sometimes she was lucky enough to see them outside in the first few days of school.

As soon as she arrived at the door of 1A, she froze. She stared at the label above the door, telling her the classroom number. She wanted to reach her hand out right then and there, but she simply let her hand fall to her side.

What if everyone hates me? What if everyone's mad I got in through recommendations? What if I make a fool of myself? What if I—

The one minute warning bell rang. This was it. She had to commit. She shut her eyes tightly and shook her head, nervously combing her fingers through her blond locks of hair, letting her purple strands fall in front.

She gulped, then gripped the door's handle, and pushed open the door.

When Ayaka entered the room, she heard what once was loud chatter go quiet. She felt her entire body tense up and a few beads of sweat run down her forehead. Everyone was staring.

Shit. This was so terrifying.

She gulped, tackling some air down her throat. Before she could get anything out, she was practically tackled in a hug by who seemed to be a fellow female classmate. Ayaka shrieked, her arms even tenser than they were before, until she heard a familiar voice escape the female's lips.

"Aya!" the girl shrieked, happiness seeping through her voice. "You're here! You made it!"




Hi everyone! Hope you enjoyed the prologue of my fanfic :)) I'm super excited for everything that's too come!

This book will mostly follow the storyline of the anime / manga, My Hero Academia, but it will also include my oc, Ayaka's, own lore and things of that sort. If you're not as interested in that kind of thing then my book unfortunately isn't for you :)

SIDE NOTE: A lot of the time after this point, Ayaka's 'glowing eyes' will be referenced to present anxiety, stress, fear, etc. and this does not reference her whole eye, it's often just her irises. Unless it's stated that she's in some sort of stressful situation, it's most likely her whole eye that will be glowing (but that's a much later in the story thing!)

Also, here's a reference of Ayaka's school uniform! This was made by IAmLevil, our lovely reference artist💜

Also, here's a reference of Ayaka's school uniform! This was made by IAmLevil, our lovely reference artist💜

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Thank you for reading the prologue!

~ Via

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