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"O—Ochaco...? You're—" Ayaka cut herself off, her eyes widening. As she looked around the classroom, she realized that the attention that was once on her was no longer there. Thank god.

She sighed, wrapping her childhood friend in a hug. A smile peeked onto her face as Ochaco Uraraka gripped Ayaka's hair, her face buried her shoulder.

"I can't believe you're here!" Ocacho said excitedly, her words slightly muffled by Ayaka's shoulder.

Ayaka laughed, pulling away from the hug to look at her childhood best friend. She barely looked different. She still had her happy eyes and blushed face and beaming smile that Ayaka grew to love over the years. Ayaka was happy to know that she'd be in the same class as Ochaco, especially after not seeing her for a year.

"I know... it's crazy." Ayaka said with a light chuckle. "I can't believe you're here either. We're gonna be in the same class together!" Ochaco's eyes sparkled and she spun in a circle happily.

Ayaka nodded, her smile widening. As the chatter in the room grew louder, Ochaco spoke up a bit and said, "hey, do you wanna sit in front of me? No one's taken the seat yet!"

"Duh." Ayaka said, beaming now, trying to keep up with Ochaco's happy energy. She beamed back at her childhood friend and grabbed her hand, guiding her over to her desk. Ayaka could feel eyes on her all of a sudden, but before she could turn to look, they were already at the desks. "Here, you can take this one!" said Ochacho, patting the desk that now belonged to Ayaka.

Ayaka sat on the desk, smoothing out her skirt. Her smile softened as she stared down at Ochaco, saying, "thank you. I'm so excited to sit with you for the entire school year." she admitted, not sounding as gleeful as she truly wanted to.

Ochaco didn't seem to notice though and nodded her head, "same! I still can't get over the fact that we're in the same class! How lucky is that!?"

Before Ayaka could respond, arguing from across the room caught her attention. Ochaco looked at her for a moment, confused, before realizing that the arguing was happening and turning around to look as well. Little did Ayaka know, they'd argued two other times before she arrived.

"Take your feet off of that desk now!" shouted a tall boy, his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. The glare in his eyes was evident as he stared down at a blonde boy, who was currently sitting in his seat with his feet on the desk. "It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!"

Ayaka couldn't see the blonde student's face, but she definitely heard him scoff before he said, "Did your old school put a stick up your ass, or were you born with it?" When she heard that, she barely stopped herself from choking on her own saliva. Before she could hear the boy with glasses say anything else, she turned back to Ochaco with wide eyes.

"H--How long have they been fighting like this...? Where's our teacher?" questioned Ayaka, combing her fingertips through the bottom of her blonde locks of hair. Ochaco gulped and shrugged in response, cuing Ayaka to look back at them.

She had a feeling it would be like this for the whole school year, and that was a bit scary. She was hoping that the class would be a lot more... quiet, to say the least. Yet there was a troublemaker, and a strict rule enforcer. There was no way they'd get along this year.

heart of a hero. || a bnha oc storyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα