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AFTER EVERTHING THAT had happened in the duels so far, Ayaka wasn't quite sure if she wanted to—or even could—handle going against Kaminari.

She was standing in the challengers hallway, ready to make her way into the arena. She inhaled sharply, her nerves getting the best of her once again.

What if I'm not able to beat Kaminari after all...?

She took the hairtie on her wrist and tied her hair up once again, readying herself for the duel.

"Hey, hun!" She suddenly heard from behind her. The girl perked up, turning around to be met with her mother. Her strawberry blonde hair was in a bun and she was wearing her hero costume.

She's probably security for the event...

Trying to put her anxious thoughts behind her, she smiled. "Hey mom!"

As soon as the woman got close enough to her daughter, she tightly wrapped her arms around her, lifting her off the ground.

"How has hero work been? It's been a while since I've seen you!" Ayaka spoke with a smile, pulling away slightly to look into her mother's eyes.

"It's been...busy, that's for sure." Chiyo admitted with a laugh.

Ayaka's smile widened. Maybe Yuzuki was right...maybe I was overreacting earlier. "So, did you see me in the race and cavalry battle?"

Chiyo stopped, her smile fading a bit. "Ah, no, I missed those. Sorry, hun." Ayaka frowned, backing up a bit from her mother. "But, I promise I'll be watching your duels! Good luck, okay? I love you!"

The woman started to back away, blowing her daughter a kiss before turning around a walking away. Ayaka sighed, turning back to the light at the end of the tunnel, where the arena laid.

Yeah...spoke too soon. Ayaka thought to herself, looking down sadly. I should've probably guessed she wouldn't care...

She's just...lying to make me feel better.

Ayaka lowered her head, starting to step forward into the light. Just as she did so, Present Mic began to announce the round.

"Welcome back to the finals, everyone!" announced Present Mic. "Sorry for that long wait! The insane amount of ice from the second match has finally been cleared though, so it's time to welcome new competitors!"

As she began to walk up the stairs, Present Mic started to speak again. "It's everyone's favorite mind-reader who got in on recommendations, Ayaka Kurosawa from the hero course!"

That's the best you could come up with? Ayaka thought to herself as she climbed the final step, only taking a few more steps forward to nervously stand on her side of the arena.

"...Versus the boy with the electric personality! Another hero in the making, Denki Kaminari!"

As soon as Present Mic said that, Ayaka had met eyes with her friend, Kaminari. The boy had a pure, confident smirk on his face as he stared into the eyes of his opponent. She gulped anxiously.

When she looked up at the viewing room, she was able to see a few encouraging faces. Kirishima pumped his fist in the air for her, Ochaco gave her a thumbs up, while Midoriya and Iida both gave her a smile. She glanced over at Yuzuki, who nodded firmly at the girl.

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