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AS ANYONE could've naturally assumed, Ayaka was a nervous wreck.

She had only participated in one of the side games before she went upstairs to the viewing room, sitting down with a fresh, cold water that she had yet to fully chug yet. She honestly couldn't help her nerves.

Her body twitched and she fiddled with her thumbs, starting to pick at the skin underneath her nails. She had a habit of playing with her nails and fingers, which was partly from her ADHD and also just an anxious habit.

Yuzuki approached her, sitting down in the chair next to her with an energy drink in her hand. After she took a sip, she looked over at her childhood friend, then down at her hands. Her expression softened.

"Feeling anxious?" questioned Yuzuki, gesturing to her hands. Ayaka looked up at her and attempted to separate her own hands, to no avail.

I hate that she just knows...

Ayaka sighed. "I just... can't believe I'm going against Kaminari of all people."

Yuzuki nodded, brushing a piece of hair from her eyes. "I think you've got him beat, Ayaka."

The blonde looked over at her in surprise. "How so?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows in doubt.

"Well, you're smarter than him, for one." She admitted, making Ayaka release a gentle giggle. "I saw what him and that tiny guy did to you and the girls in your class. You really scared the shit out of those two."

"It's not hard to scare Mineta if I'm being honest." Ayaka laughed, no longer playing with her thumbs. "And Kaminari just... follows him, sometimes. He knows he shouldn't. He just does it anyway."

"So he's a follower." Yuzuki assumed, smirking slightly. "He looks like the type."

Ayaka bit back a smirk, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Yuzuki shrugged, still smirking. "Well... I think you know."

The two girls laughed, looking through the large window in front of them. The students that participated in all the games were now leaving the field so the duels could start. They both stopped.

Ayaka couldn't help but feel nervous once again. Despite Yuzuki's reassurance, she knew that Kaminari was still a dangerous opponent. He didn't have to be completely smart to win, especially with his quirk. One lightning circle and she'd be done for.

Present Mic was starting to announce Midoriya and Shinsou's match. Yuzuki looked back over at her friend and hesitantly asked, "Have any advice for me?"

Oh, yeah... Yuzuki's going against Kirishima. That's a tough match-up. She could try to stomp on him and crush him into a crater as a giant, but he could hold up with his hardening, and land some solid hits on her as well.

Ayaka felt slightly bad for giving Yuzuki a slight advantage, but she wanted to give her a fair shot as well. "Well, his quirk is hardening... he can harden any part of his body. It's really good for defense."

Yuzuki nodded, taking the information into account. She adjusted her hearing aid before finally sitting still, tapping a single finger against her knee instead.

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