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When Kagami and Naruto left they didn't leave Naruto drew a seal on the back of Kagami's hand which masked his presence completely as Naruto activated the one already on his body. Using this tactic they snuck back into the council room to watch the chaos unraveling.

"You aren't going to give them what they want right Hokage-sama?" Hyuga asked, his well-placed mask shattering to pieces.

"I must admit even I am curious as to why the Senju and Sarutobi clan despise the Uchiha regardless of what they do," Nara tilted his head as he turned to the Hokage. "Should my clan be worried as well? Should we be careful so as not to end up in such an unfavorable position?"

"What are you doing?" Yamanaka hissed at his best friend.

"We have to know, better to hear it from the mouth of the Hokage," Nara shrugged as he leaned back in his chair. "The Uchiha are loved and praised as protectors by the civilians, even the ANBU love the Police Force and the chiefs can be seen sharing meals and drinks on many occasions. The nasty rumors about the clan were proven false in all regards yet still more pop up, almost like some people can't stand to see the influx of love the clan is getting for showing care to all walks of life by getting the village back on its feet."

Hiruzen and Danzo felt a chill as Nara narrowed his gaze. "Everything they've done for this village is always marred by the reminder that the former Uchiha Clan Head Madara betrayed the village. But we have traitors from all our clans but we aren't persecuted for it. Someone in power is trying to shame and push the Uchiha out of the village because of their disdain for Madara and it was most prominent when Lord Second was in power as he was the one to set the Uchiha in their new compound. Showing such displeasure for a clan made the civilians weary of the Uchiha and made us clan heads disassociate with Kagami because we didn't want to lose favor...."

Nara started laughing. "We got played, right Hokage-sama?"

Hiruzen shuffled uncomfortably. "I don't know what you mean."

"Of course, you don't, let's not dwell on who or what for now," Nara waved him off but everyone could see how cold his eyes were at being manipulated. "However I am wondering how true the Uchiha Heirs' words will be after you end this meeting. We won't see each other again for another three months. A lot can happen, shifting in power, alliances made and deals brokered."

"Hokage-sama I was once told you shouldn't test fate when it comes knocking to change the future of many," Inuzuka muttered.

"Are you implying that I should give them what they want?" Hiruzen scowled. "If I give now they'll continue to take and take."

"But what you and Lord Second are doing is gutting the Uchiha for their wealth and reputation. Is it hardly surprising that they stopped letting you plunder their wares for profit while spitting in their face and damaging their internal reputation? If anything now that we're all aware of your disdain that you've inherited from Lord Second is how you are going to treat us if we want proper treatment." Akimichi frowned. "Many people remember how Konoha came to be Lord Third. The Senju were the ones on the rope and the friendship Madara and Hashirama shared was the only reason we all have what we have today. But it appears that what the Senju lacked in power they made up for in manipulation of the truth and history. Madara was nothing more than another rogue shinobi, nothing more nothing less. He was insanely powerful but he went off on his own after he tried to warn the others of his clan and they turned on him for it."

"He had a son who then married another and brought forth Naruto," Nara narrowed his eyes. "I have no doubt Madara saw the beginning of a rift between the Uchiha and Hokage on a scale that wouldn't be able to be fixed. He sent Naruto here on his dying breath to get things back on track and remind others who had the actual power here. Plus, his parents are still out there, possibly brokering deals with powerful people in Naruto's stead."

"That's a story," Aburame quipped, having remained silent until now.

"Maybe but then you have to wonder, what words Naruto or his parents said to get the Mizukage to allow an Uchiha family of apparent seal masters near their Tailed Beast and host for the sealing. Naruto has power outside this village, he didn't come here without benefits he could throw on the table and the benefits are legit if Kagami and the entire clan agree to take their funds and leave. Say what you will about us other clans doing our taxes and funding the village but many have to admit that the Uchiha are holding up at least half of us since the decline of the Senju." Hatake murmured. "I am in favor of giving them the compound they desire. It is disgusting that they have to be situated in such an area that is prone to danger during the daytime when the men are away being shinobi or taking shifts in the Police Force. Unless Sarutobi-sama would argue this point further and risk his rapidly declining reputation among the clans here."

Hiruzen had no words as he was exposed and dismantled by the likes of those two Uchiha. He sighed and called the meeting. He called an ANBU to inform the Uchiha that their 'request' was granted by him and the entirety of the council. Naruto held onto Kagami and they flashed to the Uchiha Compound where they told the news to the waiting elders who spread the word to the other families who began packing for the big move. Kagami turned to Naruto with a calculative eye. "That was a bluff wasn't it?"

Naruto turned to look at the man with a serious expression before it gave way with a single wink. Kagami smiled. "It was back there but give it a few years and bluff no more."

"We smeared a lot of mud in one sitting, aren't you afraid of retribution?"

Naruto chuckled. "Any retribution towards us will be known by the other clans who would look at Hiruzen and by extension Danzo as a sign that they were still going down this route. Besides we have our ace up our sleeves, which I need to retrieve in a few days from my parents."

"Why won't they come and settle down with us?" Kagami asked. "We would surely welcome them with honor."

"I'll let them know you were so kind," Naruto nodded. "But to answer the question it's because they rather enjoy the nomad style they have going on. Grandfather had intended for them to go with me but they refused."

"And you don't feel sad?"

"Why should I?" Naruto raised an eyebrow. "I am loved, if they want to see the world and help me when I call why should I turn away from them? Trust me while I don't appear haughty my parents are and the disrespect shown to the Uchiha clan before the turnaround would have the streets littered with blood. So be grateful."

"I will." 

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