Chapter 46: Judgment Day, Part 3 -- Holy War, The Punishment Due

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"That includes me," Tulin sighed, "I am a Sage."

Everyone looked down to Tulin's ankle to see a bright green stone attached. "So, that's what it was?!" Aya gasped, "We all thought it was just jewelry!"

"I'm the Sage of Wind," Tulin answered, "my ancestor told me that my destiny was to fight alongside Link, the brave swordsman that Princess Zelda, the Sage of Time, had told King Rauru about. She said the same thing to your ancestors."

Link noticed everyone was still confused. "Can we please jump to why talking about the Upheaval became so controversial?" Rhiannon crossed their arms, "Why did you hide this from us?"

"It happened shortly after the Upheaval ended and we defeated the Demon King," Link sighed.

A few years ago

"For the sake of the Kingdom of Hyrule, I hereby declare any talks about the Upheaval forbidden," Zelda said. "What?!" the Sages gasped. "Zelda, you can't do this!" a rejuvenated Purah exclaimed, "We worked hard! We can't let this part of history just be slid under the rug!"

"Princess Zelda must have a reason why," Riju sighed. "When did talking about the Upheaval become worse than talking about the Calamity?!" Purah argued. "We must hear what Princess Zelda has to say," Sidon added, "as Riju said, she must have a reason."

"I think it is best for the Kingdom to never talk about this again and forget this all happened," Zelda sighed, "Hyrule needs to look forward into the future and not to the past."

"How are we going to explain the sky islands to the future generations?!" Purah protested again, "What about all the advances we made on the Zonai?! The ruins that fell? Princess, I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. This just feels like a slap on the face to me, to the Sages, to the Zonai Survey Team that you created... and to Link!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Link. "I agree with the princess," he said sternly, "we must look forward to the future. The Calamity already created a lot of damage. We don't need to focus on the ones created by the Upheaval."

"This is stupid!" a young Tulin shouted, "We busted ourselves to death saving our peoples and this is how we're rewarded?! By letting our achievements be forgotten?!"

"Tulin!" Teba scolded, "Be respectful!"

"Tulin is right," Sidon sighed, "we poured blood, sweat, and tears into helping our people, just like the Champions would have done, and you are telling us it will all be forgotten?"

"Even if we forget about the Upheaval, the damage is still there," Riju added, "the chasms, the fallen ruins, the sky islands, everything!"

"They do make a good point," Link said, "especially the ruins in Kakariko Village."

"I want them dismantled as soon as possible," Zelda said, making the group in front of her gasp, "any fallen ruin must be destroyed. The valuable ones must be dropped off at the Zonai ruins in Faron. The chasms must be covered with whatever materials possible. Hyrule's restoration must continue as planned."

"I will not allow you to!" Purah shouted, "I refuse to follow these orders!"

"So do I!" Sidon protested. "And me too!" added Tulin. "We will not let our achievements be forgotten!" Riju joined. "All of you! Silence!" a voice shouted. They turned around to see Impa and her assistant, "Princess Zelda has given you a reason why: we must move on. The Calamity lasted 100 years. The Upheaval lasted about a month or two and was at least twice as painful. Not to mention that Her Majesty had to witness tragedy firsthand."

Zelda lowered her head. "It brings painful memories," she said, "I do not want to talk about them... I do not want to hear any talk about it... Our future generations do not need to know about such dark history..."

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