Battle 23: Enlighten Up!

Start from the beginning

???: My name is Madeleine. And I'm a student training at the Slowpoke Temple right up the road.

Niko: Slowpoke Temple? Niko imagined a bunch of Slowpoke's praying at a temple.

Kota: I can assure you it's nothing like that.💧

Madeleine: Yes. Our lives are dedicated to pondering the meaning of existence, the same as this Slowpoke.

Niko: But, what's it pondering about?

Duplica: Its impossible to tell what a Slowpoke's thinking.

Madeleine: Yes, that's right. But this Slowpoke is actually thinking about why it's a Slowpoke.

Jessie: I know why.

James: Me, too.

Meowth: Sos it can lay dere lookin' dopey, right?

Madeleine: No, you're missing my point. For example, who are you young man? She asked Niko.

Niko: Uh, me?

Madeleine: Who are you really? What is your true essence?

Niko: My essence? Niko was confused by the question. My name is Niko, but I'm not sure what my essence is.

Madeleine: Let me try again. This creature's name is Slowpoke, but remember that Slowpoke is just a name it was given from birth, so what is its true inner self?

Niko: Oh. Well, I'm Niko from Pallet Town.

Duplica: When I think of myself, all I think is me, Duplica.

Kota: Kota. Plain and simple.

Madeleine: And what about you three?

Jessie: Well, prepare for trouble!

James: But, we just did that, Jess.

Jessie: Oh. So, who am I? My name is Jessie the wise and gorgeous.

James: And I'm James, the less inflated Team Rocket member.

Meowth: And I'm, just Meowth.

Madeleine: I, like you, have a name, and that's Madeleine. But I still have yet to understand my presence here on our planet. I have spent the last ten years of my life hoping to reach enlightenment.

Niko: Ten years!?

Eevee: Eevee! (That's a lot)

Madeleine: I'm not concerned at all about the length of time. What's important is the step by step progress that I've made. Since it appears none of us have reached enlightenment yet, why don't you all come with me? Maybe you could come to my beloved temple and live and study right alongside me. Or, at least, come for lunch.

Team Rocket: You said lunch? As if one cue, their stomachs rumble all at once.

Jessie: Let's go.

James: We'll go with you and find our true nature.

Meowth: Or at least a really good grilled cheese sandwich and some potato chips.

Duplica: What do you think?

Niko: Sounds like it could be fun.

Kota: A little meditation couldn't hurt.

Madeleine: Alright then! Let's head on over there, okay? Our heroes and Team Rocket soon arrive at the temple.

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