Part 23

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It was harder to be in Sanctuary when Daryl was away. He had to go to do things that did help all communities, with the other leaders. He did travel fast with the bike and that was handy with many things. Sanctuary had things to do also, so I usually did stay there and did my part. But the environment was getting harder all the time. Saviors had used to different kind of community with Negan and some of them were really harsh. Some people were still quipping me about sleeping my way up, they didn't forget that idea that someone had made up. And Justin was one of them.

One night Justin was waiting me at next to the door of our room. "There comes the lady, but the knight is away and bed is cold. Would you want me to come over and warm it?" he scoffed. "Screw you!" I snapped and tried to get to the door but Justin grabbed my arm and stopped me. "Don't be like that. You seem to spread your legs eagerly, why wouldn't you do that for me too? I can keep you safe and stop people to mocking you." Justin said and leaned closer to me. "Oh, by mocking me first? Very interesting idea of trying to hit someone." I said looking him in the eyes. "I'm not trying to hit you. I just want use your services and offer mine in change." "Fuck off!!!" I did yell at him. My blood was boiling again. Justin pushed me against wall and pushed his knee between my legs. I did feel his breath on my face. "Don't pretend that you wouldn't like it." he growled. "I don't need to pretend it, I don't want you. Go find someone else. You are a good looking guy, it shouldn't be hard to find company." I tried to seem like I wasn't nervous. "So you do think that I'm good looking... you have been thinking about me." Justin said and leaned to kiss my neck. "No. I have eyes in my head and I can see you, but you are an asshole and I don't want you. Get off of me!" I did raise my voice. Justin didn't care and he did grab my breast and pressed me harder against the wall. "Get the hell away from me!!!" I yelled. Then we did hear steps, someone was running towards us. It was Laura, and she saw what Justin was doing. "Hey, fuck off! Let her be!" Justin turned to look at her and he moved so much that I managed to punch him in stomach. Justin was surprised and get back. Laura did came standing next to be and Justin realized that two of us might be too much for him, even though he was big and fit guy. "Don't never do anything like that to anyone." I yelled at him and went in to the room. Laura followed me and closed the door. "Are you okay?" I nodded. "Yeah, just pissed off."

At night I was already in sleep when Daryl did came back. I did wake up when he did take his gear off. "Hi" I mumbled. "Hi. Sorry that I wake you." Daryl said quietly. "It's okay. I'm glad you are back. Did everything go okay?" "As okay as things can go these days." I chuckled. It meant some walkers at least. Daryl did came in the bed. "How was your day?" he asked. "I could use the same answer." I sighed. I had been wondering that should I tell to Daryl about Justin. Better just tell. "Justin did came on to me today." "What?" Daryl did get immediately tense. "Actually he groped me forcing. But Laura did come to the place and I did punch Justin in stomach." I explained. Daryl was so quiet that I started to worry. "But that's all. I did give him a good punch." I assured. "I'm going to beat the crab out of him." Daryl growled and started to jump up but I stopped him. "No. That would just make things worse. You know what they think about me." We were sitting close in bed. Daryl didn't look at me, he was furious. There wasn't much light but enough to see his expression. "At least I got to make clear that anyone doesn't get harassed or raped!" Daryl said coarsely and I nodded. "That would be good. Telling it to all. Then Justin knows that you know, but he can't say that you did defend especially me." I figured out loud. Daryl looked at me now. "You are a smart woman." "Of course I am!" I smiled. "Are you okay, I mean really?" Daryl asked. "I am. It wasn't nice but I can deal with it." Daryl pulled me closer and I pressed my face against his neck. He caressed my back and I could relax, I was safe.

"You probably don't want tonight...?" Daryl said quietly. "Want what?" Daryl moved his hand lower on my back, towards my ass. "Oh. Why wouldn't I? Yes please!" I looked at him smirking. Daryl kissed me really gently, that was new. I felt warmth in my body. "How do you want it?" he asked whispering and nip my ear. "You know. I want it lustfully and rough." I purred. "Rough?" "Mmm-hm." Daryl kissed me again and then he pulled me and bend me over his lap. He really manhandled me and I loved it. His hand moved on my ass and slapped it. "Where's your undies again woman?" Daryl said with raspy voice and I giggled. He slapped my asscheek harder and that made my ass tingle and I was sure that I had red print on it. I was exited and getting wet. Daryl started to rubbing my ass crack and moved his hand towards my pussy. His fingers did press directly in my opening and when Daryl realized that I was already getting wet, he pushed his two fingers in. I sighed enjoying. Slowly he pushed his fingers few times in me and then started to spread my wetness with his whole palm all over my pussy and to anus too. "Ooooh..." I sighed. Daryl grabbed my hair with his other hand and pulled my head up. He did spit on my ass and started to press his thick thumb in my anus slowly. I gasped. He didn't push it deep, just so that it was nice extra. He pushed two fingers in my pussy again and started fingering fast, moving his thumb a little. I started to groaning and Daryl did punish me about that by letting my hair and head go and slammed his other hand on my ass. I flinched and that made his fingers moving deeper in me. That made me groaning again and same happened. "You like this, don't you?" Daryl asked. "Yes." I noticed that Daryl's cock was hard and pressed against my side. "I guess you like it too." I said and I got a hard slap on my ass again. Daryl pulled his fingers out and started sloppily rubbing my clitoris with his hand. I did spread my legs that he could do it better, but instead he gently slapped my pussy. "Huuuuuh!" I flinched. "Get up." I did get on my knees and Daryl pulled my head closer. "Horny bitch." he whispered in my ear and I did get shivers. Daryl started to kiss my neck and I placed my hand on his cock, maneuvering it through the pants. Now Daryl groaned against my neck and he started to suck the point between my neck and shoulder. At the same time he tried to get his pants off and I helped him. "Get on your stomach." I did as I was told. Before I did spread my legs, Daryl sat on my thighs, knees both side of me and hold them together with his legs. He grabbed my ass with both hands and pressed hard spreading my ass. He did let go of my ass and adjust him better over me, and started to push his cock in my pussy from behind, my thighs being squeezed together. We both groaned a little when his dick pushed inside me. When Daryl's cock was in, he pulled my shirt on my back and twisted it around me as tight as he could and kept it in his hand. "Give your hands here." he ordered and I bend my arms behind my back. Daryl did get my wrist in his other big hand and now he had whole control of my body. He started to fucking me eagerly, slamming himself against my ass. Quickly he started pounding me hard and fast, and he pulled me from my shirt and pushed me down with my hands. It all was so arousing and felt good, that buried my face against the mattress and moaned loudly. I was thrilled about that I felt like was tied up, but I wasn't. Daryl was fucking my brains out of me, banging fiercely. I moaned constantly but I had again suffocate a big moan on the mattress. Daryl was panting hard but his pace didn't get slower. He started to growling quietly and deeply and suddenly he shoved his cock as deep as he could and cummed body jerking inside me. He kept still just panting, not releasing my hands. "Are you okay?" he asked and started slowly move his pelvis, moving his softening dick in my pussy. "Mmm-hm." I tried to nod. "Do you like being like this?" Daryl asked. "Yes I do." I sighed desperately. Daryl pulled his dick out and let my shirt go. He slide his fingers in my clitoris and started rubbing it hard with no mercy. He hold tightly my wrists and pressed me down with his other hand. I wanted to spread my legs but all I could do was shake and whimper, because Daryl was still pressing my thighs together with his own. My pussy was squelching because of my juices and I imagined how Daryl's cum was dripping from inside me to his hand. I couldn't handle it anymore and I came shaking and screaming in the mattress. Daryl didn't stop but did slow down, still rubbing my clit and my orgasm kept going. I tried to squirm under him but I couldn't get away from his hand that was overstimulating my pussy. "You still like it?" Daryl asked coarsely. I just whimpered burying my face on the bed and I couldn't make any word out of my mouth. I loved it and at the same time it was too much. Finally Daryl stopped teasing me and pulled his hand away. He wiped out juices from his hand all over my ass and then he did let my hands go. I moved my hands under my head and when Daryl did roll off of me, I did spread my legs a little, but I otherwise I just stayed there panting. Daryl did lay next to me and wiped my hair off my face. "Okay?" I nodded. He caressed my back and it felt nice. "I need water." I said and Daryl did get up to get the water bottle. He let me drink first and then he did drink too and did lay on his back. I moved a little so that I could get my head on his armpit and lifted my hand on his chest. "Thanks." I said quietly. Daryl did play with my hair. "You wanted rough and we did once talk about being tied up, so I thought..." he explained. "It was amazing." I sighed. Daryl reached to pull blanket on us. "My ass is still slimy, don't mess the blanket." Daryl didn't care and pull it over my ass to. Now we did have cum and my juices in blanket, great. Although it was probably on the sheets too. Daryl kept caressing my back so long that I did fall asleep.

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