Chapter 5 "Party crashers and close calls"

Start from the beginning

Tall, body building type, he was a brute from what I could tell from what I had learned, he didn't have his mate yet, he'd be a good target to stake out and cause some problems since he didn't have a replacement.

"You will be silent unless spoken too, if you truly need to say something or excuse yourself you'll report to one of the guard wolves around you, your IDs must be shown when requested"

He paced in front of us in a medium sized room, it was like an entrance room that also functioned as a small break room for humans.

"The event starts in five minutes so let's get to work, go" he said waving his hand dismissing us.

Once we were left to work, me and the girls quickly split off to handle our own jobs, splitting into three different areas, for me it was heading to the dining hall to prepare plates.

I kept an eye on each name placement, where all the supreme Alpha's were sat, especially alpha Damien's, he was the alpha here, and tbd highest ranking supreme, I was sure he would be at the top of his game tonight, it's likely he had prepared for me, or well ghost, to make a show.

I paused at his seat looking it over, I had seen pictures of him before, but never anything more, I only needed to see his face anyway.

But there was a part of my mind that found him incredibly handsome, it was like some intrusive thought that wouldn't go away.

I had even had dreams of this guy, those stayed secret with me, I'd take that to the grave, how could I ever acknowledge that to myself, I did everything I could to squash this small thought of mine, it was like an alternate version of myself.

Romance wasn't my thing so why was a part of my mind so captivated and drawn to the idea of this man, romantically and...sexually.

I shook my head snapping out of my thoughts when another human lady tapped my arm "uh...sorry I startled you, I'm meg, I just wanted to introduce myself...I didn't see you on the bus with the rest of us" she said with a smile.

I looked her up and down, she was about my height, average build, light skin and light curly brown hair, she had deep brown eyes and a few subtle freckles over her nose.

She looked and sounded sweet enough, a very gentle voice.

"Oh uh, I'm Sarah, I'm from a small village, I like keeping to myself so I'm not surprised you didn't see me" I state, putting on a smile as we walked together down the halls to where the guests would be staying.

Bonus for me, if it looked like I had an alibi and was friendly with the other humans, I'd look less suspicious.


I let the time pass, learning more about meg and where she was from and her life, how she felt working for the wolf beats that controlled our world

"Soooo out of curiosity, have you thought about if you have a wolf mate? I know it's possible for humans to have mates, wouldn't it be cool? Someone destined to love you forever, I learned a lot from some educational courses" meg said bouncing on her feet smiling brightly.

I felt a shiver go up my spine as I filled with disgust at the thought, it didn't help seeing her so happy at the idea too.

"No, that isn't really a thing I want to experience myself, I'd rather find love myself, not be made for some wolf" I state, letting a bit of hate slip into my speech.

I should have been more careful.

"Some wolf? That doesn't sound all polite now does it?" I heard a deep voice behind me, I froze up a little and so did meg.

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