○Chapter Fifteen○

139 2 17

TW: Hints of SA


"I will kill her..." Cynthia said as she gently tried to wrap my wounds back up. I looked to the side and felt so... wrong for what she did to me... Why did I feel in the wrong? It was her fault..

"Please don't... I don't think Mr. Shine, Mrs. Shine, Sun, or Moon would like that..." I muttered... why did their opinion matter so much to me? Eclipse and Solar didn't give a damn about me, and only cared for themselves and their children... Sun and Moon care for me... I still don't know why.

I heard Bird sigh. "Fine, I won't... yet. But please promise me something?"

"I'm not good with promises..." My gaze went to my wrists that were constantly having new bandages. "Clearly..."

As she moved away for a moment. Her hands placed on mine, and she looked me in the eyes. "Y/N, at least try. For me, Sun, Moon, and my 'family'... please. You're our only hope to escape."

"That's the only reason you want me alive," I said in a sour tone.

Bird was taken aback. Her head shook no. "No! We all care for you, able to escape or not. We don't care. We love you, and we don't want to lose you!"

"What's the promise..?" I sighed as I felt her grab my wrist again. It was odd that I only attacked one wrist and not both.

The soaked bandages were unraveled off my wrist. Cynthia held my wrist up to my eyeline. "Don't hurt yourself. And if you break that, then don't die. Please."

"Fine..." There was another sigh from my lips. A soft smile was on her face as she wrapped my arm up again. She gave it a tight tug, and I winced.

A quick apology was heard before she finished applying the bandages again... Just for safety, she redid my neck and face bandages, too.

And right now, I was waiting for the day the cracks appear on my chest, and I have to dig into my heart to stop it.


I was shaking on the bed. The blood-soaked sheets. Crimson red liquid could he seen oozing out whenever I switch positions. My clothes reeked of musky iron. They even looked so... disgusting. Clothes of reds and browns...

Sun and Moon should be back today, but... I'm worried. I broke the promise. Maybe they won't hate me? Who am I kidding... they'll be so upset with me.

The door opened, and I thought it was the twins, or even one of them. But no. It was Mars.

"Y/N, my brothers will be here in a few hours," she grinned as she held her hands behind her back. "That means one more fun time before I have to leave you alone for a little while."

I tensed up at her words. No more... I don't want there to be any more pain! "Mars... please don't..." My words were shaky.

"Shush~," she shushed me with a chuckle. "You won't throw a fit unless you want another injection on your chest, or perhaps legs?"

At this moment, the noseblinding smell of iron and blood was forgotten. My hands placed behind me. I pulled myself away from her, but what could I do? She wasn't the one who carved her skin off.


I didn't care that blood was dripping down my skin from the sheet. Tears rolled down my cheeks, and soft sobs left my throat.

Hearing the door open made me freeze. She wouldn't just return like that? Surely she'd leave knowing the twins and Eclipse would be back...

My sobs stopped, and I looked at the door. In the opening was Sun, behind him was Moon. They looked at the room, horrified. Seeing me shaking with watered eyes and torn open bandages didn't make it any better.

"Sun, can you get some... cleaning supplies and bandages?" Moon asked his twin. Sun didn't say anything and just went in the direction.

The older twin stepped into the room, not bothering to avoid the blood. Actually, it was impossible to. He sat beside me on the bed and placed a hand on my back.


"Are you mad at me...?" I asked quietly. "I promised I wouldn't... but I did..."

I heard a sigh escape his mouth. "I'm not mad, I doubt Sun is either." He moved over to be able to look my in the eyes. "If you don't mind, could you... tell me why you did it... especially on your face?"

I softly nodded and began to explain. When Sun entered the room, I had to reexplain what happened.


Uhm... I think there's something wrong with me. Hopefully, you haven't gotten bored... or too disgusted.

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

806 Words

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