○Chapter One○

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TW: Needles

"Y/N, get your ass off your phone," my mother commanded sternly. I hated how pushy she's been lately.

I only rolled my eyes at her and just continued to play my game. It was Minecraft Pocket Edition, but it was still good. "Nah, I'm not hurting anyone."

"God... fucking... dammit..." she sighed as she walked over to me and grabbed my phone from my hand. I was about to protest, but then she powered it off, fully off, then she threw it. AGAINST THE FUCKING WALL!

"Mom! I spent so much of my own money on that!" I yelled at her as I stood up and shoved her.

She only stared at me. "Get in the car."


My mother's glare just told me to do without question. And so, with reluctance, I entered the car. It would be boring without my phone, she's probably taking me to the stupid store or something...


She's never been so quiet... it bothered me. Typically, she scolds me for anything and everything I do... but no words were said. Well, that was until we pulled up to the place.

I stared at it from the window. This is just a stupid fun house. Its colors are bright and colorful, like that shitty neon colors people think should be used in a kids' place. I was confused, so I turned to my mother.

"Mom..? This is a fucking fun house..." I said with annoyance. The place was stupid. Even to look at was just dumb. Why should I stay here!? Ugh! And right before I'm 18, too!

"Well, Y/N, this is for the sole purpose to make you get off your lazy ass," Now that was hella offensive. And she can't say shut when she just watches the news all fucking day! "You've been getting so depressed and unhappy, so I saw an ad for this place."

"Okay? So what is this place?"

"It's called... Shine Up or something... Anyway, stay here. I'll be checking to make sure they got you registered," my mother unbuckled her seat belt and exited the car. I sat back and watched her enter the rather large place.

My mind began to just think, and I felt like this was some stupid teen daycare... Hell, maybe this was an actual daycare, and your mother just didn't give a fuck.

When she returned, she had a smile on her face. She tapped my window, and I rolled it down as my eyes rolled. "What?"

"You got yourself a room, and!" She paused for an unnecessary suspense. "You'll be here for a year! Hopefully, you'll learn how to have fun without those electronics, and who knows, you might make some friends here!" Her grin was sickening to look at.

Then it hit you. "A YEAR!?"

"Yes! A year, now come on, Mr. Shine would love to see you," she opened the door by reaching through my window. Then, she leaned over, unbuckled my seat belt, and then forcefully dragged me out of the car. And into the damn place.

And the inside was just as bad, if not worse, than the outside. It was blinding! How can anyone bear to even stay for an hour!?

A man at a counter caught my attention. He was an older man, perhaps a year older than my mother's age. He looked tired, but also so... giddy. His hair was dark, his skin matching. His hair had orange highlights in them, his outfit also matched his hair, well, apart from the out-of-place red... skirt?

I mean, I don't judge, but a skirt? That red color, too? It doesn't really... match...

"Mr. Shine, this is my child, Y/N," your mother pulled you forward.

His face never left from an eerie smile. "Ah, yes, I've been made aware. They'll have a stay for a year, yes?"


"Perfect, now, Ma'am, you may leave. We'll take perfect care of your child," he gave a smile that screamed danger. It made me nervous to be alone with him. I watched as my mother left with a wave toward me. As much as I hated her, I was more than willing to run back to the car and head home. "How old are you, hm?"

"... uhm... 17..." I said hesitantly.

He clasped his hands together. "Perfect, my sons will be caring for you."

"And they are?"

"Don't worry about that," his face went more sternly. "Now, arm out, and don't move away."

Before I could say anything else, he reached over the counter, grabbed my arm by the wrist, and then, from where he stood, he took out a syringe and stabbed it right where my vein would be...

First chapter of my new book, and I have hopes this will be good.

Also, who do you think was at the counter?

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

822 Words

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