○Chapter Twenty-Five○

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TW: Slight Body-Shaming & Slight Sewer-Slide Baiting(?)

I pried at the wall. The walls tore apart, landing on the floor. The same floor that was torn.

I tried to break the walls but failed every time. Eclipse has probably tied wires or something into the walls and door, making it difficult to escape. So, what I'm doing is finding the possible wires and tearing them apart.

What I didn't expect was for Eclipse to show up randomly at the doorway. He leaned against it and sighed at my actions.

"That won't work, you know," I heard his voice from the doorway.

My head turned to look at him as I teared off another chunk of the wall. "I don't care. I'm getting out sooner or later."

His smile faltered. A sigh left his mouth. "Listen, Y/N, the twins aren't going to help you, and these walls are tough and layered."

"I'd rather be dead, honestly." My eyes rolled as I turned toward the wall. My fist landed directly into the wall, breaking a beam of sorts, making me get splinters in my hand.

Mr Shine let out a chuckle. "You will be, in a few months, unless I give an... antidote I've been trying. Who knows, maybe you'll explode like the cat did."

"The day I explode is the day you'll die."

"You're very confident in that. Besides, you can't kill me. Your friends left you, you couldn't even climb out the window." He stepped closer to me and poked me in the stomach. "Maybe, if you weren't so.. fat, you could've escaped."

"Body shaming? How low of you." My eyes rolled again. "Also, don't touch me." I shoved his hand away from me.

He gave me a small grin. "I'm not wrong, though."

"Go jump off a bridge, Eclipse."

"You first. Ain't that the saying? Ladies first?" Eclipse said immediately after.

"I'm not that idiotic and (I'm not a female)/(you're being insanely sexist)," my arms crossed, even with my one fist being covered in splinters.

Mr Shine just looked at me before turning away. "You still won't get out." He then left the room.

A few days later

There was a big hole on the wall for my room. I can get through it, with little difficulty. The first few times I crept through it did make me cut myself, but it's fine. Nothing a few bandages couldn't help.

On the other side of the wall was a hallway. It was one I recognized. It was the hall that led to Eclipse's office. I knew this area from my small searches for the serums.

He rarely walks through this hall, as he typically uses the front desk to get through here. And... on the other side of this hall... is freedom..

I just need to break the wall without being seen... or noticed. Maybe I can work quickly. If I can break a decent size hole in my wall in a few days, then I can do this. Especially since I only need to break it enough to fit. If I get damaged or not, it doesn't matter.

I'll just need to fit. I looked at my hands, still bandaged up, and smiled. I was prepared to dig through this wall, quickly at that.


Uhm, so... things are progressing, and I feel the need to say this due to it being said in the story for even a brief moment.
If someone body shames you, don't be offended, because, you're beautiful/handsome. (Something I'll work on admitting to myself)
And, please, dont... sewer-slide.. people will care.

It's weird for a stranger to say this, but still.

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

624 Words

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