○Chapter Four○

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"Cracked...? My skin is cracked?" I was confused. I mean, yeah, it burned, but my skin being cracked? That's not possible.

Sun moved my wrist toward me, and I saw what he meant. My wrist WAS cracked. Moving my other hand to touch it made it crack off, but... I didn't bleed. I felt like I was bleeding, but I wasn't.

"That's so... fascinatingly weird.." Sun muttered to himself as both he and Moon touched the cracked skin on my wrist, but when they touched it, it didn't fall off. I touched it again, and a piece fell. It was like I couldn't touch my skin in that area, but other people could.

Soon, without any warning, the door banged open. And all that appeared was Mars with the biggest, genuine grin I've ever seen on someone. She stared at me and the twins. I could see her smile grow as she turned her head and opened her mouth to yell.

Moon ran over and smacked her mouth shut. "If you tell either of them, all of us are dead." He said as he forced a grin on his face. The look in Mars' eyes never changed.

Her hand, being smaller than her brother's, removed his hand. "I'm aware. But I don't care!"

She skipped over to me and grabbed me by my wrist that Sun was holding still. It caused me to wince, and for some reason, it hurt when she held it. I tried to pull my arm away from her hold. She only held tighter.

"Mr. Shine gave me permission to care for this one!" She watched happily as her brother's faces changed immediately. They still had a smile, but their eyes held so much fear. Not for them, but for me...


I was shoved into a room. Looking around, I saw a few other people who looked so... horrified. One of them, a female with blonde hair, walked up to me and started to caress my skin.

"Silky..." she muttered. Her voice sounded so fragile. Although, when she said that word, one person looked up and made a noise of being attentive. "No. Silky... they silky."

They spoke in chopped sentences. It was odd. "What..?" I asked, confused. They saw the lack of smile on my face, and their eyes went wide.

"Smile! Smile!" They chanted. I then forced myself to smile so they'd stop.

"Introduce... self..." The blonde pointed at me, then the group of at least 5 other people. It was so crowded in this tiny room.

"Uh.. Y/N," saying my name made them shocked. A small brunette child walked up to me, and she tugged my shirt.

Her smile was the most heartbreaking to see. She looked to be maybe no less than 5 no more than 8... "True name..."

The blonde picked the girl up and then pointed at people, giving names... but they weren't actual names...

Her finger went to herself, "Bird, 16."
To the brunette she held, "Feather, my sister, 7."
Her finger went to a little boy who stood up and waved, "Speed, 12."
To what looks to be a 15 year old, "Giant, 9."
Her finger pointed at a small girl in the corner, huddled against herself and a boy, "Silky, 10." The boy next to her, "Cotton, 10."
There were two people sleeping on the floor, one a male, one a female. She pointed at the female, "Silence, 18."
Then, to the male, "Mouse, 19."
Lastly... to me. "You... now Crack."


Woo, that was a list of names there... now, don't worry, you don't have to remember them all. Some of them will reoccur, and others won't. Others will only have mentions of being there.

(Who knows, maybe their real names will get said sooner or later.)

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

644 Words

○Smile For Me○ ○Sun/Moon x Reader○Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat