Chapter 24: Of Two Sisters...

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Kyoko: I know you can manage that Shuichi. Make sure you look after the rest.

Shuichi: You bet. Tailing infidelity suspects is my specialty.

Toko: That's...a very weird pride, but it checks out.

Makoto: Then we'll be counting on you. 

Makoto: We have schoolwork and I have other things to do in the meantime, so we'll put the plan into action tomorrow evening.

Makoto: I'm assuming Kaori's goons know about our meeting spot in the park, so we'll need to gather somewhere else.

Komaru: Oh, that's right!

Komaru: This is the perfect time to announce it, but we've found a new place that we can use as a hideout! One that'll keep us out of public and let us meet together more casually and discreetly, where we don't need to worry about spies!

Shuichi: You finally found a place?

Kyoko: Then let's meet wherever that is.

Makoto: What did you have in mind?

Komaru: Ok...Drumroooollll...!

Komaru: Tell 'em Toko!

Toko: My house.


Toko: Yeah.

Toko: Like my personal off-campus home. It's an apartment in a complex near the school.

Makoto: I didn't even know you HAD a home off-campus.

Toko: To be honest, I didn't really think to bring it up.

Toko: I only ever go there on holidays or weekends. Or if I need to grab some extra supplies since all my old writing equipment is there.

Toko: Also, the building is decked out with a lot of interior security systems. Nothing like actual sci-fi laser traps or anything, but lots of bolts on the door and alarms too. Plus the walls are soundproof in and out.

Kyoko: I suppose you are the kind of person who likes to shut people out and stay in private.

Toko: Well, yeah, you aren't wrong, but the security system is actually less designed to stop people getting in, and more designed to keep myself getting out.

Toko: Back in the early days, I didn't have much control over Genocide Jack. She could break out of the apartment and kill anyone she wanted without me knowing.

Toko: But we don't share memories, so if I was to set up some traps, she wouldn't know how to solve them because she didn't witness me set them. Ever since I met Master Byakuya though, she's remained pretty tame, so I moved into the dorms to be closer to him.

Toko: But honestly, as cheap as the rent is for that crappy old place, it's still eating into my savings and I'm barely using the apartment for anything. So Komaru figured we should put it to good use and take advantage of its location and its quirks. We can turn the old place into the Phantom Thieves' official base of operations.

Komaru: I call it..."THE THIEVES DEN!"

Toko: Oh, and in case it wasn't obvious, I live alone. I cut all ties with my parents years ago and used the money from my books to buy an apartment of my own. We don't have to worry about being unpleasantly interrupted.

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