41. Candle on the Water

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A few Hours later. Third Person POV
The five women sat in Meredith room waiting for her to wake up. Richard and Miranda had both come in to check on Meredith, Alex and Izzie had both also stuck their head in and offered to take the Zola and Sofia home, to which there offer was quickly accepted.
M: zona?
A small voice broke through the soft chatter of the women.
A: yes I'm here
Arizona said jumping to Meredith's side.
A: how are you feeling?
She asked
M: a bit sore, but I think I'm ok. Is Zola ok where is Derek?
She asked panicked
A: Zola's fine she's with Alex and Izzie. We haven't been able to find Derek yet, the police are looking for him but he wasn't home when they got there.
Arizona answered.
M: he...he went to Joe's before you got to me he..he left and walked passed me on the ground. I could here Zola screaming in the house but he just said he couldn't stand it
Meredith explained looking at Arizona.
Am: I'll go tell the officers outside.
Amelia said jumping up.
A: Meredith, I think this could be it we could put Derek away for good.
Arizona said
M: but Zola?
A: well you said he left Zola in the house, thats neglect and you are Zola's mother legally or not the courts won't care they will give you Zola.
Suddenly Arizona realised no one had told Meredith she was pregnant. Her face dropped
M: what what's wrong?
She asked scared
A: Meredith, when was the last time you and Derek...
Meredith froze at the question
M: why?
She asked scared
A: I'm sorry my love your pregnant.
M: no..no I can't be.
Meredith started to cry.
A: I'm so sorry
Arizona cooed

Meredith's POV
No I can't be pregnant, Derek and I haven't had sex since, since he made me in the woods since he punished me for swapping seats with him. No I can't be pregnant,
M: no no please

Addison's POV
I watch Meredith freak out, and my heart sink I've seen this freak out more times then I should have. This isn't just a freak out about an unwanted pregnancy this is distinct this is the freak out of unwanted sex.
M: no no
I can see she's crying, but I don't know what to do. Her baby is 7 weeks she could still technically have an abortion but I don't know if that's what she wants, I watch in awe as Arizona carefully sits next to Meredith holding her before she starts to sing
A: I'll be your candle on the water,
My love for you will always burn.
I know you're lost and drifting
But the clouds are lifting.
Don't give up, you have somewhere to turn.

She doesn't sing for long but Meredith calms down hugging into Arizona

Meredith's POV
I need to tell her,
M: I...while we where in the woods Cristina wasn't the first person to find me Derek was. He...he found me when you and I split up. He dragged me off the path before he punished me for making him swap seats he blamed me for what happened to his hand. That's why I didn't move when Cristina yelled at me I was..I felt like I was frozen. That's why Cristina died it's my fault
I explained crying.

Arizona's POV
As Meredith speak my heart breaks, I know what she means by punished her and I can't believe it why...why would he do that.
A: it's not your fault ok? None of it was. Derek is an awful man who's going to go to prison ok?
I try to console her.
M: but what if he gets away with it, what if I try to press charges and he walks free, it'll it'll be worse
She cries,
Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder
C: I'll testify for you, I was there when we found you lying on the ground out the front of your house
Ad: so will I
Addison says standing on Meredith's other side
M: dr Montgomery?
Meredith asked confused.
A: call me Addison, please and yes I will testify or I don't even know I was married to Derek before he married you, and he used to abuse me to, I should have done something year ago but I'll do something now.
Meredith looked up at her smiling
A: and I'm sure all the other doctors who treated you tonight will also testify for you.
M: thanks zona. But we don't have any physical evidence.
She said looking down.
A: your either going to love me or hate me. But we do
Meredith looked at me shocked
A: I may have taken a few photos of your injuries and yesterday I got so worried I put up a camera in your house so we do have some physical evidence. Do you want to do this do you want to take this man down?
I asked looking at her.
M: yes
She answered confidently.

Third Person POV
Six Years Later,
With all the evidence they had there was no way for Derek to get out of this one.
The judge found him guilty of two accounts of domestic abuse, one account of rape, multiple account of assault, one account of neglect as well as an ensue of other chargers. He was sentenced to 40yrs in prison with a 30 year minimum. He was also stripped of his medical license. Meredith and Addison both got restraining orders against him even though he was in prison. The judge also gave pull parental custody of Zola to Meredith who was now living in their one story accessible house. Meredith had been awarded all the money in their shared bank account long with the house and all their shared belongings. Addison had begun working full time at the renamed Grey-Sloan memorial hospital. Arizona and Meredith had been able to sue the airline and had be granted enough money that meant they had been able to help fund the hospital leading to the construction of a state of the art cardiovascular facility which was given the name of the Yang Memorial Unit.

A: Lexie get down here for lunch
Arizona called.
A small girl came bouncing along the hall.
Al: Mamma it's not fair, Sofia and Zola are still in bed.
M: well they shouldn't be, I'll get them
Meredith said laughing at her daughter.
As she reached Zola and Sofia's room she laughed,
M: Lexie they aren't asleep they are they are the opposite of asleep.
Meredith re-entered the hall way laughing, Zola and Sofia close behind both with their backpack backs.
A: eager are we?
Arizona laughed at her daughters.
Z: yeah I can't believe Auntie Addie and Auntie Callie said I could come over this weekend
Zola said excited, just then they heard a knock at the door
M: well be good, for your aunties
A: yes and be good for you mums ok?
Arizona laughed looking at Sofia.
Z&A: We will, thanks Mamma thanks mummy
The girls laughs before running to the door.
Arizona answer her arm wrapped around Meredith waste.
Ad: hey Mer, hey Ari.
Addison said smiling as she hugged the girls.
Ad: can you believe this is where we've ended up.
Addison laughed looking at the couple in front of her.
M: I wonder that every day
Meredith laughed,
Ad: ok we will bring the girls back on Monday after school yeah?
Addison asked
A: sounds good.
Arizona said before closing the door. She smiled at Meredith, who looked a bit upset
A: you ok?
M: yeah
Meredith smiled
A: go sit down on the coach, take your prosthetic off let it rest for a bit I'll put Lexie down for her nap then I'll come watch a movie with you.
Arizona cooed,
Meredith smiled as she watched Arizona pick up Lexie carrying her to her room.
She smiled silently as she heard Arizona singing to their daughter.
Six years ago she'd been in one of the darkest parts of her life now she was married to a beautiful women, with three beautiful daughter of which they shared custody of Sofia with Callie and by default Addison. Addison was right she never would have seen her life this way.
Six years ago her sister was dead, her best friend was dead, she pregnant by the r*pe of her abusive husband but now she had a beautiful baby girl within she could see small parts the women Alexis Cristabell Robbins-grey was named.
The sweet sound of her wife's voice filled the air singing the song that had become there's.
A: I'll be your candle on the water,
My love for you will always burn.
I know you're lost and drifting
But the clouds are lifting.
Don't give up, you have somewhere to turn...

The End

I hope you enjoyed the story. Please leave comments.

I'll start a new story soon, but in the meantime please enjoy my other story What Life Holds.

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