4- In the woods

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Third Person POV- at the hospital
Callie barged through the door to Owen's office
C: Owen what is going on, I just over heard the plane was missing. Where are they what are you going to do?
Callie screamed at Owen, you could see both the anger and fear in her eyes, she was fearful for her friend and girlfriend and furious at Owen for caring more about his career than the lives of the people she loved the lives of people who were loved by this entire hospital.
O:  I don't know Callie, I just got the call, I have no information at the moment just that the plane went missing, as soon as I get information I will update you, I am sorry Callie
C: sorry isn't good enough I heard you complaining about how this would look for you as chief, it's not right you don't care about these people, I'm going to tell Richard
O: Callie!! No as your chief you will be fired if this information leave this room
C: so be if there are many people in the hospital that deserve to know, they deserve to be aware of where there loved ones are
Callie stormed out of the room, and returned a bit later with Richard, Miranda, Amelia (the timeline is a bit different just go with it), Izzie and Alex in toe sure there where other people in this hospital that deserved to know but for know these where the only ones
R: Dr Hunt, I am taking back the role of chief immediately, your fired.
O: what you can't do that
R: oh yes I can, not only did you put the lives of our surgeons in danger, by using an airline who had a very unreliable past all it took was one phone and I knew that GCS was an unsafe airline, then you tried to hide it, then threatened to fire Dr Torres for sharing the information, you may leave immediately.
Owen stormed out of the room, bumping into Callie as he left
C: hey, you a..
Alex(Al): just leave him it's not worth it Richard can you see if you can find anything more about our friends
R: yeah I'll call now

Meanwhile back at the crash.
Meredith's POV -
I felt a hand cover my mouth before I could scream, but I immediately recognised the hand that was holding me
??: I'm going to remove my hand now, now don't scream I'm your husband you should be happy to see me
I just nodded my head knowing I could only make things worse.
D: good now turn around
I slowly turned around and Derek was standing behind me, I could see he had a small laceration to his forehead, but apart from that he looked fine until I looked down at his hand, oh no, his hand it looked like it had been smashed.
M: oh my...
D: shut up, you don't get to talk. This is your fault your the reason my hand is smashed.
I just looked at him confused, how could it have been my fault i didn't cause the accident, I mean normally I would just take the blame, most of the time it's true it is my fault I shouldn't do this to piss him off that's what my use to always say...
D: oh don't look so innocent, it's your fault look at you your practically unscathed, you should be the one with the smashed hand you should be the one who might never be able to operate again that was your seat, you should have been there but no 'you had to sit next to your precious Cristina' (he said in what I can assume as him trying to mock me) so it was me who's hand got smashed. It's all your fault Meredith. And now your going to pay
M: please Derek it wasn't...
I felt his hand hit my face,
D: I said shut up, now how am I going to... oh I know
Then he started to drag me inbetween the trees, no we weren't on a path for say but it a little bit of a clearing, and I didn't want to loose it.
D: here this will do.
M: please Derek
I started to sob,
M: I'm sorry
D: I said SHUT! UP!
He shouted again this time punching me in the gut, for someone with only one working hand he is still so much stronger than me. As I continued to cry I didn't know what was going to happen I've seen him angry hell I've felt the wrath of his anger many times but I don't think I've ever seen him this angry. I can feel him punching me in the gut then kicking my legs but then it starts to feel different and I realise he's pulling down what's left of my pants. No no.. he wouldn't not even he's that bad
M: Derek what... please
D: Shut Up!
M: please...
I can't help myself in sobbing now, sobbing so hard my body is shaking, I start to zone out trying to to experience what I'm experiencing. It works somewhat I can still feel him, and hear him as he grunts, but my mind doesn't seem to be processing it I've gone numb. It isn't until after he finished that I start to feel again.
D: well that was enjoyable really helped with the anger
Derek laughed as he looked at me,
D: now get dressed, where is everyone else and don't say you don't know cause I can see the tape on your head holding together a cut, that means someone found you
I couldn't bring myself to speak I simply pointed back down the path
D: thank you now, I'm going to go back to them, and pretend I stumbled upon them by accident and you will wait here for a bit, then make your way back still looking for me, and I want you to be upset understand. Then when you see me you are going to be excited or else got it??
I could here the words he was saying and I understood him but I still couldn't find the words to answer him so I simply nodded my head again.

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