27- Time Flies

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A week Later

Callie's POV
I'm dropping Arizona off at Meredith's again today and I feel like I'm ending my own marriage, I don't think Arizona even realises it and she's definitely not doing it to harm me and I know she would never do anything but I can just tell there is a connection there a connection I've never had with Arizona don't get me wrong Arizona and I love Arizona each other but I can just see this deep connection between Meredith and Arizona.
A: Calliope are you ok? You seem distracted
C: oh yeah I'm just tired that's all sorry
I'm not made at Arizona honestly I'm not I just hope that she either realises soon or comes back to me.
A: do you want me to maybe take Sofia today so it's one less thing you need to worry about at the hospital Meredith and I won't be doing much so it will be fun to have Sofia there plus the house is already baby proofed for Zola.
C: yeah actually that would be nice, thank Ari
A: no worries my love
She leans over to kiss me, I smile, maybe I'm miss reading things I don't know.

A week Later
Arizona's POV
Meredith is up first at PT today they finally have her properly fitted with her prosthetic that she can take home. I can see she's struggling a bit but she's getting there I can't image how hard it must be, it's hard enough for me to move my own leg let alone a separate metal prosthetic. But she's doing amazing, she walking with then given only when she holding onto the metal bars either side of her but she's doing it. I'm so proud of how far she's come.

Once we'd finished our PT session we made our way to the attendings lounge the first time we did this Meredith was quite nervous cause she's only a resident not a attending but when I told her she was fine and the she also saw Miranda in the lounge and Miranda told her she was fine she felt much better. She also felt a lot better when I told her Derek never comes to the attending lounge cause he just stays in his office all the time.
A: you did great today Mer
M: thanks so did you it's amazing your already just on crutches
A: thanks, are you ok today
She just nods at me,
A: mer there is no one else around did Derek do anything last night
She nods again
A: oh mer, what did he do
M: nothing I just upset him again
A: mer
I said again, she still struggles with understanding that it's not her fault and she doesn't deserve it
M: sorry
A: don't apologise you didn't do anything wrong
I carefully push a strand of her hair behind her ear, our eyes meeting as I did. I love the way the light reflects in her eyes, we stare into each others eyes for a moment.
M: um
Oh that's right Meredith needs to tell me what Derek did last night
M: it wasn't that bad, I had just made dinner and he didn't like the way it tasted so he threw it at me,
A: oh mer are you ok did it hit you?
M: um kinda the plate didn't hit me but the sauce from the dish did and I think it may have burnt me slightly
She whispered,
A: where did it burn you?
She just passed me her arm and I carefully pulled back her sleeve, I had to stop myself from gasping as I saw her arm the burn wasn't so bad but there was also a purple hand mark on her wrist.
A: Mer why is there a bruise on your wrists?
M: oh um last night I was snoring to loudly so Derek made me sleep in Zola's room, he kinda dragged me there because I wasn't moving fast enough
She kinda mumbled the last part,
A: oh mer, here let me help you treat this burn.

One Weeks Later
Meredith's POV
I'm spending the day with Arizona again, and it's great I love spending time with her I feel so relaxed and I just generally enjoy my time. It's actually really nice today, yesterday we finished all the house work so there was nothing left for Derek to tell me to do today so we are having a picnic I finally managed to convince Derek to leave Zola with me which I'm so excited about I love it when Zozo and Sofia get to play together. Currently the girls are playing in the grace in front of us while me and Arizona are sitting together on a picnic blanket. As we chat I feel so comfortable around her I've never felt this way with anyone before it's like I can't do anything to upset her, I just can be myself.
A: sof be careful my love
M: there fine zona,
A: I know I just worry about them
M: so do I.
I lay down where I'm lying and start to look at the clouds, I don't remember the last time I felt this calm, I feel Arizona lay down beside me, and I feel her hand reach for mine. I feel so content in this moment but I can't explain why. The kids come over to us and ask to go to the playground, at first I was hesitant I was struggling to get up,
A: don't worry Meri I'll take them,
Arizona explained as she saw me struggling, I'm so proud of where she's gotten, I watch as she carefully lifts herself up with her crutches and takes the girls over to the playground. Her beautiful blonde hair bobbing up and down while she walks,

Meredith Watching them Play-

Authors Note Hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry for the delay in updates I wasn't quite sure how to write this chapter and how to continue but I think I've got it now

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Authors Note
Hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry for the delay in updates I wasn't quite sure how to write this chapter and how to continue but I think I've got it now. As always please leave comment and suggestions I will try to respond to as many comment as possible.

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