38. Reveals

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Arizona's POV
The ride to the hospital felt like the longest drive of my life, I had to make sure that Meredith stayed awake I could tell she had a concussion I just didn't know how bad but I'm worried. I'm also worried about where Derek was, Callie said she hadn't heard him when she went inside the house but Zola was inside.
C: we're here
Callie called as we pulled into the ambulance bay.
Mi: you can't park, oh my god Callie what's going on
I heard Miranda yell as Callie jumped out of the car.
C: get a gurney now!
Callie yelled back before opening the door and taking Zola.

Miranda's POV
I don't know what's going on but Callie looks stressed and she wouldn't have pulled in here if something wasn't wrong was it Sofia or Arizona.
I watch as one of the interns brings out a gurney.
Mi: what's going on, is everyone ok?
I asked, I watch as she grabs Zola out of the back seat, why does she have Zola
C: bring the gurney around here!
She yells
I watching horror as Meredith gets unloaded from the car her face covered in blood. As I see Meredith my mind switches into doctor mode
Mi: ok what's the status
C: we don't know the full extent yet,
A: she called me and we went over to the house and found her like this
Arizona says getting out of the car
Mi: ok we need to get a full set of tests, find out what injuries she has.
As I look at the poor girl I'm worried she appears to have sustained injuries to many part of her body
Mi: someone needs to call Derek let him know he's wife's here and his daughter
A: no!
Arizona yells behind me, what why
Mi: why wouldn't we call Derek

Arizona's POV
I promised Meredith I wouldn't tell anyone but hell this, it's gone to far
A: he did this
I blurt out looking at Miranda
Mi: I'm sorry what
A: Derek, he he did this he beat her, he's been abusing her
Once I start I can't stop
A: he abusive all all types of ways, he broke her finger last night then I brought her here to get them looked at by Callie, when Derek found out he..he did this.. that why she called me I gave her my phone cause he smashed hers.
Miranda stairs at me bewildered
Mi: oh um right
I can see she doesn't now what to say
A: I would have told someone but she made me promise not to, he wouldn't let her sign the adoption papers for Zola, but he doesn't abuse Zola only Meredith so if she left she was worried she wouldn't get to keep Zola.
Mi: ok, that...that's a lot to take in we can deal with that after right now I need to make sure she lives, are you have you for Zola
C: yes we've got Zola don't worry
Callie answers before I can resting her hand on my shoulder. I watch miranda disappear into the trauma room Meredith is in and I can feel the adrenaline rush away leaving behind only the fear. The only thing stopping me from falling to the floor in my daughter in my arms.
C: come on, let's go sit in the waiting room they will let us know
Callie cooes, gently guiding me to the waiting room.
As soon as I put Sofia down, I break. I can feel Callie's arms wrap around me but she isn't who I want right now. I..I need to tell Callie
A: Callie... I...I need to tell you something
C: it's ok I know,
She whispered
A: no...I...
C: sh it's ok, your in love with Meredith I know it's ok.
She answers, I don't know what to say.
A: I... I'm sorry, how how did you know
C: I watched you fall in love with her and how of love with me, it's ok I've accepted it I knew it was coming.
A: you know?
C: I did, I'm pretty sure I knew before you did. As long as your happy I'm happy.
A: thank you.
I can't believe she knew.

Inside the trauma room.
Miranda's POV
This poor girl, as I look at her I realise I'm going to need more surgeons.
Mi: page Dr Amelia Shepherd, Dr Webber and page someone in ortho just not Dr Torres
I yell into the room, it doesn't take long for the other doctors to appear, as they enter the room I can see on their face the devastation, but all three of them quickly jump into action.
R: what do you need?
Mi: can you do an ultrasound check for internal bleeding she's got bruising on her side.
Richard gets the ultrasound ready, as I focus on her ribs I think she's got at least one broken rib.
R: ah Miranda
I stop and look over at Richard
R: we have another issues, we need to get Addison Montgomery here right now
What Addison she's a world renounced fetal surgeon why do we need her unless,
I look at the ultrasound, crap she's pregnant.
R: some get Addison on a plane right now
Richard orders as we continue to treat the poor girl.
Am: oh my god
I hear Amelia's voice at the door
Mi: I'm sorry Amelia, it's Meredith
I answer before turning back
Am: it's ok, I just ok what's happened
I look at her for a moment debating on whether or not I tell her the truth.
Mi: she's been beaten,
I answer it's not a lie but its not the full truth either.
Mi: she has a head lac and we lost consciousness about a minute ago.
Am: ok we need a head ct now
She yells

2 hours Later

Arizona's POV
It's been two hours, and they haven't updated us on Meredith yet, what's going on I'm getting worried.
C: hey I wanted to apologise I feel like this is my fault, I mentioned it to Derek
Callie says turning to me
A: oh god no Callie it's not your fault you didn't know, you where just caring for her the same way anyone would
C: I know but I still feel kinda guilty.
A: you don't have to...
I smile at her, just at that moment Miranda come out
A: is she ok?
Mi: she's in surgery...

Authors Note
Hope you enjoyed the chapter.
As always please leave comment or suggestions

What do you think is going to happen next is Meredith going to be ok?

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