Chapter 2

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Author's pov

"Ah, this is life"-Diana

"The hot springs in wintertime are the best time of year" Ingrid soon said as she and Diana were enjoying themselves in the hot springs in the bathhouse near Nordia's Royal Castle.

It has been almost three months since Diana got adopted and living her new life as one of Nordia's princesses.

She started learning the history of Nordia, its culture, traditions, and of course, the leadership and trading businesses they are known for.

She wanted to know it since Nordia was close to the Northwestern Continent where Nayeli comes from. Also, she needed to learn to defend herself against the Former Emperor of Obelia and the half-brother of Claude de Alger Obelia. 

Anastacius de Alger Obelia. 

The Former Emperor of the Obelian Empire despite being the rightful heir to the throne, was considered to be a tyrant and cruel ruler when he succeeded the throne

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The Former Emperor of the Obelian Empire despite being the rightful heir to the throne, was considered to be a tyrant and cruel ruler when he succeeded the throne. Everyone in Obelia, including their neighboring kingdoms like Arlanta feared him very much, especially when Anastacius used black magic to get back at his talented younger brother Claude. 

Diana knew well the story since Siodonna stayed away from the Obelian Empire and they didn't make an alliance with them nor trade business. The reason why Anaya and her husband, the Sultan decided to make the alliance and the trading business with Obelia was because Claude became Emperor and he showed to be a wise and responsible ruler despite his jerkass attitude, and he was living in distrustful life after he killed his brother. 

 Yeah, unlit he met Diana and fell in love with her. 

'Stupid His Majesty, I mean Claude...It's kind of weird that I am saying his name. But yet, all the respect I had for him is gone...I know I am a kid but when I see him again, I will hit him with a slipper or grip his dashing hair.... Stupid Claude' Diana thought in some anger before she sighed in relaxed by the warm waters of the hot springs. 

The hot springs of Nordia are very famous for their warm pool waters and the sight of nature around them. Especially more when it's winter and the sight of snow covering the trees and the land. 

Diana was sitting down in the warm waters, her back leaning against the firm yet, soft stony wall. She had her long, shimmering blonde hair flowing through the water and she wore a white towel wrapped around her small body. Ingrid on the other hand, had her long hair in a long braid, and resting on her right shoulder, she wore a silk bathrobe revealing slightly her cleavage. 

"Ah, this is life" Ingrid spoke in pure bliss while Diana looked at her. 'She's so beautiful and quite good-looking. Just like the Moon Goddess whose beauty is dazzling. She's enough attractive to get both men and women to look at her...I know I am pretty, Lilian and Anaya did state that my beauty is stunning enough that people have their eyes on me' Diana thought while staring at her.

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