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Author's pov

"L-Lady Diana!!!" A young woman tearfully screams while a blonde woman pants tiredly and looks at the baby wrapped in a blanket.

Her rose-colored eyes reflected the infant girl's appearance with tears building up.

Her name was Diana.

Diana was a Royal Dancer from Siodonna Sultanate, she was close friends with the Crown Princess of Siodonna and the best dancer in Siodonna.

Diana and the Crown Princess Anaya were invited to the Royal Banquet of the Obelian Empire where she performed a memorable dance as Anaya made good alliances with different rulers.

Then she met and fell in love with the cold-hearted Emperor of the Obelian Empire.

Claude de Alger Obelia.

The devastatingly handsome Emperor was raptured by her beauty and grace

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The devastatingly handsome Emperor was raptured by her beauty and grace.

Even though they were from very different worlds and her friend Anaya, didn't like Emperor Claude persuading Diana to be his concubine.

Through the weeks of the Royal Banquet, they got very close to each other and genuinely fell in love.

Very much in love, Diana decided to stay with him and give her farewells to her old friend Anaya who later became the Sultana.

The days of the Imperial Palace became brighter and more colorful with Diana being by his side as she made good friends with Felix Robane, the Imperial Knight known as the King of the Crimson Blood and childhood friend of Claude.

And Lilian York, the lady of the honorable and proud York Family became her best friend.

Later, Diana found out she was pregnant and Claude and her were very happy.

But then, tragedy strikes on them.

They later find out that their unborn child possesses an incredible amount of mana which Diana wouldn't handle and she was going to die in childbirth.

Claude desperately begs her to choose him over their unborn child and hurts Diana in the process as she can't just abandon her stillborn child.

She loved the child from the moment she felt her existence.

She couldn't just abandon her.

In the end, Diana chooses her unborn child and Claude resents the child.

And despite Diana trying to lighten up the mood despite knowing her tragedy, Claude remained cold to her and he wasn't there when she finally gave birth to their daughter.

"Thank goodness...You're a girl..." Diana weakly said as her friend, Lily cried her name.

Diana tried to hold her but she didn't have the strength to do so while she looked at her infant daughter crying.

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