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At your house after showering you had never changed so fast your Mom and Dad asleep early as usual when home but you were glad, not wanting to have to explain why you were dressed as a school girl your hair in pigtails with pink feather scrunchies you had wondered of when your Mom had showed you the things she picked out.

But looking in the mirror you realized you looked just like Britney Spears in Hit Me Baby One More Time.

Enveloping yourself in a cotton candy cloud that followed the edible lotion you had found you walked out to your car purse in hand turning your radio on and connecting you sang along "I must confess that my loneliness is killing me now."

But you laughed wildly as you gunned through the overpass and getting on the freeway.

Before Namjoon's you stopped at the neighborhood 711 and grabbing the sky blue soda you knew they had and a pack of the cotton candy game that was soft enough to make nice bubbles but not stick, to much.

You planned on driving Jungkook wild and he would have to drive you home but your parents were there so to bad for him being a menace today with the others.

Purchases complete you turned with your bag and barreled into his chest like he had just popped into existence. "What the fuck Jungkook stalker much?" You say pushing him but you see his eyes taking you in.

His voice sounds weird to him and he has to shake his head slightly. "Are you in here buying things to play games with me?"

Shrugging as you twirl past him showing your bubble gum pink panties that said blow me on the front with a piece of gum blowing a bubble.

"I don't know what you mean I just grabbed some items. See you soon."

He was only fifteen minutes after you but it seemed this Hyeon was more of a partier as she danced with her friends to Usher's Boyfriend. And taking the offered shot he said, "Just this and a beer, I'm driving tonight." Putting the piece he had taken out of her car and placing it behind a picture on the mantle.

Jimin stares at his friend who when they pulled up outside and Jungkook had fucked around with her car making him ask. "What do you have planned?"

"Some good old fashioned teen age stupidity."

You could have strangled Jungkook as on your second cocktail of the night with the cotton candy vodka mixed with ice cream and the cotton candy soda had been declared the cocktail to sip on. He said. "Hey we should all get to know each other better. Remember when we used to play Truth or Dare?"

When congratulation shots were consumed. With all men giving them, lots of jokes about being happy to not be tied down which had made you glare in Jungkook's general direction but you were kind of buzzed and this game didn't seem to be you weren't going to want to bring your A memory game to.

About to suggest something else Lily betrayed you saying. "Ooh this could be interesting. I want to go first. Hobi honey Truth Or Dare and you only get 2 truths so you better not break the rules."

Namjoon laughs huskily from the couch. "That's why we can get along Lily, were to strong to be more then great friends. I'm glad Hyeon has you as well. She seems a little more different then from last time."

Hobi gulps but answers the Truth question asked by Lily. "My favorite oral position is with Lily on top." He's blushing but also looks proud of himself as the others congratulate him.

"I don't remember you guys being this pervy back in high school." And you want to bite your tongue but then say. "I met them in 7th grade I've known them a very long time."

But as their all looking at you before slowly turning their eyes back to Hobi and he sighs saying. "Hyeon, how many guys have you slept with?"

Jin gasps and starts laughing. "Oh this is interesting."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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