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7th grade

"Hyeon, are you here?" Jimin asks knowing the answer is coming.

"Yes." A tear-filled voice answers.

Turning the corner by the P.E. fields he sees you and he and Jungkook sit next to you one of them on each side of you. Jimin's arm around your shoulder.

"If we were girls we would beat her ass for you."

Jungkook snorts. "I know we can't hit girls. But she is technically a reptile. Maybe we can pull her hair."

Jimin laughs. "No, she's what reptiles throw up because it tastes bad."

You laugh and wipe your eyes. "I have never done anything to her. She moved here last week and she doesn't even know me."

"Jang-mi is just one of those girls. She was born mean. She isn't like you, who is just nice always."

Looking down at your white pants that now had a brown stain from the chocolate milk that had been accidentally spilled on you by the 14-year-old serpent.

"One day I'm going to get her back." You say.

12th grade

Walking from your 4th period to the cafeteria you hiss as the new pantyhose you were wearing had chafed your inner thighs and was now very uncomfortable. But you had seen the Serpent ahead so you had taken the long way to the cafeteria. And now your thighs were burning.

Eyeing the food in line as it moved slowly you were tempted to get the meatloaf and mashed potatoes with some extra gravy along with a roll and butter. Mmm, your weakness was carbs, and if they had butter on them all the better. You can feel some jostling and turning to look you see Jungkook cutting in line behind you.

Smiling at you he bumps his outer knee to your inner causing you to flinch like he had just passed a shock to you. As he holds his plate to get some of the food you were looking at, you push your glasses up smiling at your friend. "I'm so jealous. I had a big breakfast and a snack." Which wasn't true you think as you grab a yogurt and banana from the line and pay.

Jungkook nods knowing you are lying. No matter how many times they had told you that you looked nice you were always on a diet.

Jungkook follows as you go and sit at your normal table. Namjoon, Jimin, Hobi, Taehyung, and Yoongi fill out the group. As you spoon yogurt into your mouth and talk about the day you smile as next to you Jimin talks about how Victor had talked in period three about a party this past weekend. "He said they saw them go out to the bridge at the park."

"And then what?" You ask breathlessly as your hand holds the spoon of yogurt in anticipation.

"Well Han, Chris and Felix said that when they were walking back home they had to stop and go over the bridge and Felix said in his accent. Well if they weren't kissing when we passed they are about too." Jimin says grinning.

You look at where he is and see one of the nicer girls in your school and if you thought about it she was actually a girlfriend. And why hadn't you realized that earlier? She had started here just before Serpent girl appeared and people started hiding out more.

Plus you had seven friends that you still wondered at the luck of that. You had been trying to run to the bathroom after the shesnake had thrown a soccer ball at your face. On accident of course. So running past the boys locker room around the corner you had run into a coming out Yoongi. You had been short then too and your bloody nose had bopped into his white Go Buffalos chest.

Startled and your nose hurting more now your eyes watering as the blood started flowing a little more. Then you feel cloth at your nose. "My Mom just washed this. I hadn't sweat in it yet."

Now and AgainOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora