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You stared at Jungkook's bare back in frustration. He had just ran close as he caught the football that Namjoon had thrown in your direction as you sat in the little chair your legs crossed, feet in the sand that occasionally got damp in the waves that occasionally made their way to where you sat next to Lily.

Looking at your friend she giggles fixing her suit and making Hobi who had just thrown it to Namjoon but it barely went anywhere as he fumbled the toss.

Lily licks her lips as she looks over at you. "You always have to keep them on their toes. Which speaking of your man Tae over there who can't stop stealing glances."

You were still in your coverup your suit covered by the black flowing material along with your shorts. But it had been Jungkook's comment to Lily about liking the color of her suit that had made you bristle not with jealousy but you were having one of your bigger girl moments.

The men had barely said a word after hello to you and managed to talk to Lily about everything from the weather in Korea compared to California to the rap song she had playing from the speaker.

"What else would you do?" You ask trusting in her bold sexiness that she had honed over the years for practice before she met Hobi who had been unable to resist her. She was a year older then you and had been senior to Hobi. His not so soft cries of Noona when they didn't know you could hear had made you know your headphones would be needed that evening.

Lily smiles before sipping the drink you guys had picked up at the market. "Oh I wouldn't give Hobi a chance to ignore me. I'd turn the tables until he wanted me so bad he was a walking hard on. What do you think I do when my credit card bill comes?"

Thinking for a second you remember the days you would hear an angry Hobi come in talking about the charges and that Lily better be prepared to pray hard and then you looked at her.

"I wear whatever new little outfit I just had to have and get on my knees and pray he isn't to hard on me. But he always is and we both live for credit card day. It keeps things interesting, the anticipation of knowing the mail comes after I get home there's a two or three day window with the days and as it gets closer we both stay on our sides of the bed. A headache or not in the mood from either of us makes us both so full of lust for each other." She giggles. "When you were gone racing so much he didn't mind the thin walls."

Laughing suddenly causes Taehyung to look over and then away quickly before secretly looking again. But what surprised you was Jin and his new girlfriend. She was on your left and she pointed at Jin with her pinky.

"Being in medical school we have mastered the art of quickies. So when we have time for a little bit more Jin is very interested in long drawn out sessions. He loves to run his hands over my body, rough and slow for hours as we sit and watch a movie. Knowing we can only touch and not have each other makes us find the most interesting places to finally be alone. Especially at work, he's very inventive and car quickies always satisfy us."

You had already liked her seeing her full figured thickness and boldness to wear a bright pink suit showing off her curves Jin's eyes watching her every movement behind the shades on his face. You could tell he was obviously gone off her. "So basically mess with them and make them want me?"

Jessica leaned over to her bag and pulling out a pack of bubble gum she passed it around and when you saw that it was cotton candy flavored you smiled liking the Jersey accent she sported, her hair big and dark under the hat she had just put on.

Smacking her gum she says. "Their men, men are usually walking boners they just get good at hiding them in public. They always want the girl they are fucking. So Jin is with me, and Lily has her hooks in Hobi who looks like he's never thrown a football in his life." Pointing at the others she asks. "Which one is yours?"

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