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Flashback to when you were in the bathroom still

Jungkook looks around at his friends and slams back one of the shots. "She's in one of them. I'm so fat moods." He says.

Taehyung rolls his eyes as the others talk and grumble about your opinions of yourself. Yoongi snorts.

"That's it we should all just make out with her so she knows she's attractive."

Namjoon hits him. "That's not how to do it."

Jimin smiles. "No, but close. What if we were to make it happen. We don't have to go to the party we can just hang out here and drink."

Hobi laughs. "Yeah and maybe play manhunt."

Jungkook smiles evilly. "And truth or dare. Maybe we can find out if she actually likes any of us."

"Hey, I don't want us to get pissed if she doesn't like any of us."

Yoongi nods. "Yeah, I agree so whatever happens no one is allowed to be mad. So may the best guy win and all."

So now you find yourself sitting there, your hand in a glass vase mixing numbers around. The guys having picked numbers themself and are not able to unfold until you had picked yours.

Closing your eyes you pull a paper out and wet your lips. 5

They all seem eager to see their results and Yoongi crows. "Yes!"

You stand as Yoongi takes your number and his and throws it in the trash. Walking to the bathroom. Once inside he closes the door and you almost giggle as he leans against it and plays with the chain at his neck.

"So how do you want to do this?" He asks.

You shrug and look down and then up. "I don't know. You decide."

Putting his hand on your waist he draws you closer and his breath is warm against your lips, you can smell the whisky on his breath, and then his lips are on yours. Gently moving against yours. And it's nice and you like it but it feels too comfortable. And when you pull away he laughs and pats your waist.

"Well, that answers that. It's not me." At your frown, he shakes his head. "It's okay, I'm not mad. I just wanted to know and now I do."

When you guys go back into the other room it's very quiet as you sit there and sip your soda till Yoongi speaks. "Well Hyeon and I have worked out that we are just friends."

At the guy's fake Oh, no and that's too bad you giggle but stop when Namjoon hands you the bowl. "Okay, round 2."

Knowing how they are when they get things in their head and that by the end of the night you are going to have kissed all your friends. Some twice. "2"

And Hobi is the one smiling. And as you follow him to the bathroom that you know you will never be able to look at the same again. He walks in and when you enter he closes the door and then sits on the toilet. And he cheerfully starts talking and time is passing as you answer his questions. And wondering when he's going to kiss you your eyes close thinking he might make the move he chuckles.

"I'm not going to kiss you Hyeon."

Your eyes open and you look confused but he smiles. "I have a girlfriend in America. She was here on an exchange program before going back, that is why I applied to Stanford. We are getting an apartment off-campus. But my parents wouldn't approve so I haven't said anything."

You smile. "Then I am glad. Maybe when we are there I can meet her. Berkeley isn't too far."

He nods. "We would like that."

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