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Jimin woke up the sun streaming on his face and with his head pounding, as he stirred he looked out the window. What had happened? We were in the club and I got tired, had someone mixed up their drinks? Now he looks around. Where was Hyeon? His keys are in the backseat with him and he grabs them. Where is my phone? Seeing it on the floor it's cracked and he can't turn it on. Climbing out of his car he gets into the front and starts the car.

Sitting there for a minute he tries to get his bearings before driving off. Heading to his house when he arrives he grabs the house phone and calls Jungkook.

"Where are you?" Jungkook says upon answering.

"My house. I just woke up in my car I don't know what happened we weren't drinking. Is Hyeon with you?

"What do you mean? She isn't with you?"

"No!" Jimin answers. "I don't remember anything."

"I'll come get you."

You tried not to show you were awake. The last time you had asked for water someone slapped you and when given water it had tasted weird but you were forced to drink it. You couldn't see anything because something was covering your eyes. But you could feel a couch underneath your legs. If you were being kidnapped couldn't they put better music on through the headphones?

It was loud and annoying. You really just wanted some water and then it reminded you that you needed to pee really bad. Like it was dire. "Umm can I go to the bathroom please?"

And your face snaps back as you are hit again. Some computerized voice says. "Pee where you are like an animal."

You suspect who is holding you. But you don't want to make her more mad by saying her name. "Umm I don't want to ruin whoever's couch I'm on."

Then you are being forced to drink more water and you wonder. Is Jimin okay? Do they have him too? What is her plan? And as you slowly start to drift off you can feel the warmth of liquid where you are sitting and think. I hope that leaves a mark on her couch.

Six days pass and the guys have been going nuts. On day one Jungkook had received a text from a blocked number that any attempt to contact the police would lead to pictures being sent to Hyeon's parents that would shame them.

So they covered and kept quiet and on the eighth day when they are all slowly going mad with worry Jimin gets a text message and is told that he and only he can go to pick her up at 11 and where.

Jungkook is insistent about going in the trunk. After debating it they decide that's safe enough. So the two guys get ready. In the garage at Namjoons the trunk open, Jungkook gets in and Jimin closes it before opening the garage. Starting the car everyone wishes him luck as he backs out.

Jin speaks. "Just remember if you aren't back by 8pm we go with the next plan. Keep that phone under the floorboards and on so we can track you guys and hear. We'll keep ours muted."

"I will." Jimin says.

The drive isn't entirely in silence as Jimin had the opening in the back of the seat parted. Both boys were nervous and worried. Not just for Hyeon but themselves as well. After twenty minutes of driving when Jimin says they are getting close Jungkook pulls the seat back closed.

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