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⚔︎ Powerless ⚔︎



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Death, Renly had awaited it, prepared for it. She had known it was coming for her, like a beast hunting her, she had felt it breathing down her neck years before she ever heard the prophecy that foretold her end. That was why she had never questioned it, why question something you know in your heart is true? Why fight against a fate your very soul has been prepared to face since childhood? She had spent so much time waiting, sometimes even longing for it to finally end, which is why she had expected it to be easy. But Renly found as she moved through the shadows of the chaotic streets of Camelot, that she was afraid. Terrified.

As she climbed the steep wall of one of the many tall buildings in the very heart of the city she felt it. That feeling she had for so long been able to keep a bay, fear. As if it was a living breathing thing within her, wild and desperate to finally be let out. Her arms shook as she finally heaved herself over the edge of the rooftop. Far below her the sounds of blackleg soldiers preparing to fight the incoming army of rebels and commoners alike echoed.

Renly took a deep breath steadying herself and taming the beast. Then she ran, jumping from rooftop to rooftop as if she were a mere child again running away from blacklegs. She moved with practiced ease, following the sound of battle towards the very center of the fighting. That was where she belonged, she knew. In the middle of it, at the front. With Bedevere and Goosefat -if they still lived- with the brave souls who had finally found the courage to fight back.

She belonged with her people.

Renly finally came to a halt at the rooftop of the final house before the city square. The large circle of brick that laid out before the castle's main entrance had always been covered in blood in Renly's eyes. It was the very center of suffering for the people of Camelot. This was where the executions of common criminals were made into a spectacle. Where families were forced to watch their loved ones die. This was where Renly's nightmares had begun.

The Blackleg army stood like a thick line before the people of Camelot. Despite the amount of people who had abandoned their posts, the ones who remained were an army of black-clad soldiers prepared to fight the men and women of the city they had sworn to protect, all for a king who never should have worn a crown.

If Renly had believed that blood flowed through the cracks of the stone bricks beneath their feet before...

It was a bloodbath now.

On both sides, there was no telling who was winning the battle even from above. Just a mess of bodies both dead and alive colliding with one another. So much blood, so much death.

There seemed to be no strategy to the battle before her, no carefully thought-out plan accumulated after hours of strategizing around a table. This was no mission, there was no control, no exit strategy, just pure chaos.

Just war.

Renly did not know what to do. She had always had a goal, a mission to accomplish, an enemy to defeat. But there was no direction here.

Her mind was racing a mile a second and she could not hear her own thoughts with the sound of screaming echoing all around her.

Think, think, think, think.

That was what she was good at, but there were no thoughts to be found inside her throbbing head. Only fear. Undeniable, unyielding fear.

Renly had thought she had felt powerless before, when Arthur went into the Darklands when Vortigern slit Back-Lack's throat when Rubio had sacrificed himself to save them...

When her father died and her mother joined him.

But in this very moment, watching the death and destruction before her, she felt it like never before.

She felt it because that was exactly what she was, completely and utterly powerless.

A violent scream was working its way up her throat, desperate to escape. Her face turned upwards towards the sky as she battled to keep it locked down, to keep all of those feelings she had spent so long bottling up from suffocating her. Drowning her.

Her eyes opened and took in the midnight black sky. There was no moon, no stars as if the world knew that this would be a night filled with darkness and despair. No light to be found anywhere but within the fires that surrounded the city.


A small flame appeared in the dark mist of her mind, weak and fragile, but it was there.

She reached for it desperately and the moment she did, it roared to life.

She was not going to drown in the chaos that surrounded her, she would burn, and take them all with her.

(Hi again! I'm back. I took a bit of a break in writing these past few months, I'm sorry it took so long to get back on track. Now this is a pretty short chapter as you may have noticed but I wanted to split this part of the story up a little bit. I wanted this specific chapter to be just about Renly. Without any outside forces or distractions, finally allowing her to explode and falter a little.)


(I have been struggling with whether or not to rewrite this chapter, but have officially decided to keep it as it is and continue on. I know it's not the most exciting chapter in the story but i feel like it gives a lot of insight into who Renly is as a person and the severity of the situation she finds herself in. She is a control freak, she likes plans and backup plans. But war is chaotic in a way she has never seen before.
So while this feels a lot like a filler chapter I hope you enjoy it anyway.)


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