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⚔︎ Friends and Strangers ⚔︎



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There were far too many memories. Not all of them hers, not all of them from her time. How she was supposed to sort them all through much less understand them had been a complete mystery to Renly when she had arrived back at Bedevere's home after her trip to the Darklands.

Battered and bruised and filled with more questions than answers Renly was forced to relive it all, over and over again every night.

She was missing something, she had to be.

Something she was meant to see, something she was meant to understand, but each time she revisited the memories she drew a blank for what it could possibly be.

She knew her fate, she had accepted it, wasn't that enough?

What more could she possibly do?

When they had come back to the caves, Arthur's crew had been brought from Londinium.

Renly decided to leave them to their reunions, opting to sit around the fire with Bedevere and the others as they discussed what would happen next.

Her head was spinning.

The past few days had been stressful and brought up far too many memories than Renly felt comfortable with.

It surrounded her, the voices, the screams, cries, and laughter.

Blood on her clothes, hands, and at her feet.

Renly stood abruptly making everybody pause.

"Sorry, that was dramatic."

Renly said forcing a sheepish smile and a chuckle.

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed."

She didn't wait for an answer before she turned on her heel ignoring her friends staring at her back.

She was sat on her bed, her arms on her knees, eyes closed, breath heavy.

Have you seen all you needed to see?

That question, that goddamn question.

Renly pushed her hands through her hair roughly, throwing off her blanket, and began to pace.

She had missed something.

There was still a puzzle piece missing from the bigger picture but Renly could not see why it mattered, and why now.

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