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⚔︎ Bathhouses and Death ⚔︎



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Renly ran, she ran as fast as she  possibly could, catching up to the rest of the group had been easy  enough but when a group of Blacklegs had ran at them from the right,  Arthur had been forced to switch routes.

Her feet wobbled as she  tried to keep her balance trying to maneuver over the small boats as  well as she could muttering sorry under her breath at the  confused-looking fishermen.

The exploding arrows followed them wherever they ran and were really starting to get on Renlys nerves.

They moved through a tunnel, coming out into a busy street.

They  ran past trying to avoid running into people, the others were shouting  for the confused townspeople to move, while Renly who was at the back of  the train kept shouting out sorry's.

They turned corners and slipped downstairs running for their lives.

Renly  did not see the Blacklegs coming, far too distracted when one attacked  Arthur, when somebody grabbed her arm and slammed her into the wall she  saw stars.

Percy threw his knife at the man who had just been about to run her through.

She tightened her hold on her sword joining in the fight.

Her chest tightened when she saw the state of Rubio, as Arthur held him up trying to carry him onwards.

Renly ran forward taking Rubios other arm and holding him up.

She kept her emotions down, she could feel later for now all that mattered was getting them out of the city alive.

They turned into a dark hallway pausing by a door Percy proceeded to kick in.

The room was filled with fabric and people, not the ideal spot to catch their breaths but it would have to do.

They laid Rubio down, Renly immediately going over to look him over.

"Is anybody else hurt?"

She asked loudly not taking her eyes off Rubio.

When nobody responded, all of them too busy catching their breaths she raised her voice.


"I need anybody to tell me if they are wounded, right now!"

She yelled.

There were a few 'I'm fine's' and Renly brought her attention back on Rubio.

Tears were threatening to spill but she held firm.

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