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⚔︎ Bargains and Chains ⚔︎



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"Be at the castle before dark if you wanna see the girl and the boy alive."

That had been the message left behind by Mischief John.

The remaining members of the rebellion were all sat in the war room. The silence was palpable, all of them waiting for Arthur to speak.

He sat at the head of the table, his face a mask of stone, his eyes locked upon the seat on the other side of the table, Renly's seat.

How were they supposed to do this without her?

How was he supposed to do this without her?

"We exchange the sword for the boy."

Everyone's heads snapped up at the sound of Margot's voice.

She was never present while they planned their missions, and she very rarely spoke up. Arthur suspected there was at least one person present who had never heard the mage girl speak.

"They would not have you enter the city with it anyway, so we use it as a bargaining tool."

She spoke calmly.

"Should we not bargain it for Renly then?"

Percival asked.

"If this is truly to be the final battle. Should we not get our finest fighter back?"

His voice was strained, he had lost many friends today.

Margot went to speak but Arthur beat her to it.

"She would never leave Blue behind."

He answered calmly.

There was an ache in his chest that would not go away.

Margot nodded in agreement with him.

Bedevere let out a growl, he stood up and threw one of the cups on the table at the wall violently.

Nobody moved or spoke for a moment, they just watched as the cup clattered to the ground, the liquid within it trickling down the wall.

"We recruit the people of Camelot, attack like we always planned."

Goosefat Bill said from his perch on one of the other tables.

"If we exchange the sword, we will lose our biggest advantage."

Bedevere growled out.

"And when we do not send Arthur..."

Another cup was thrown at the wall.

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