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⚔︎ Plans and Chessboards ⚔︎



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Renly's first-ever mission with the rebels had been a complete accident.

She hadn't meant to stumble upon Goosefat Bill and Dorian as they tried to pick the lock of one of the main food storage supplies, made for the rich and fortunate.

She had been skimming off the top of that food store for weeks without being caught so when she found Goosefat struggling to pick the rather tricky lock she couldn't help herself from telling him he was doing it wrong.

The two rebels had whirled around in horror, not having heard the girl approach. While Dorian debated killing the girl, Goosefat had been smart enough to ask her how she would do it. She had told him to step aside and then proceeded to unlock the door he had been struggling with for ten minutes.

Afterward, she had given him instructions on how she'd done it, walked in, filled her bag with supplies, and walked away not sparing the two men another glance, only two weeks would pass before fourteen-year-old Renly came face to face with the infamous Goosefat Bill again.

"What is it that Vortigern cares about most in the world?"

Arthur asked as he hobbled around the room.

"Killing you."

Everyone answered in unison.

"Apart from that."

Arthur said, eating a piece of bread.

"Getting the sword."

Everyone answered again.

Renly didn't hide her chuckle at Arthur's exasperated look.

"Could someone help me out here, please?"

He asked looking towards Renly but she kept quiet grinning as she watched him lead the crew.

"Finishing his tower."

Rubio answered.

"So what do we do about it?"

"Sink his barges carrying his supply of stone, block up the river."

Renly answered quickly. It had been a plan she'd had been working on before the sword was pulled out of the stone, meant to cause some chaos in Vortigerns plans, but now it had a real purpose.

Arthur shot her a wink, making her immediately roll her eyes.

The plan was set and Renly's work began.

As the others trickled out of the room, the girl stayed behind eyes locked on the ceiling.

Her mind ran over the plan, over and over again, tweaking and correcting things along the way.

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