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⚔︎ Swords and Sewers ⚔︎



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As they waited for the doors to open, Renlys eyes could not help but stray to Arthur.

He looked on the verge of having a meltdown.

Anger filled his eyes to the brim.

As if feeling her gaze upon him his eyes met hers.

She had never let herself hope that she could one day love him.

After all, she was fated to die for him.

But she wondered as they stared into one another's eyes if that did not make the whole thing just a little easier.

Dying for somebody you loved.

Because she did love him, despite her best efforts not to.

The sound of the doors breaking down brought her back to reality.

She silenced her mind.

There was silence, silence, silence.

And then chaos.

The doors flew open, Blacklegs entering the Bathhouse from all angles.

Oh, we are all gonna die.

She thought to herself.

Steel met steel.

It was a mess of swinging swords and screams.

Renly did not keep count of her kills today.

Her mind was empty and silent as she moved expertly cutting down Blackleg after Blackleg.

It was then Renly saw a Blackleg approaching Margot, his blade held out ready to strike.

She searched for Percy and when she could not find him, she ran.

She threw Margot out of the way, only for the Blackleg to grab her arm and pull her in, his blade went to her neck.

She waited.

She waited for the pain, for the blood, for death.

To feel what her mother had felt in those last moments of her life.

But nothing came.

The blade was still against her throat.

When she finally opened her eyes they immediately met Arthurs.

He stared at her, the knife at her throat, her hand empty of a weapon, and then he accepted it.

He pulled up his sword, grabbing it with both hands.

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