Chapter 18

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Suddenly Shina's phone vibrated with notifications. "Oh no!" she exclaimed while looking at her phone. All of them look at her while furrowing. "Mam we forgot that you have to go to Dubai today!". "What!" Ayra blurred.

"Yes mam! You have to sign some papers related to the fashion show. Without that we can't participate and mam this we planned a long time as our everything was done but this fire came and messed up everything!"

"But we need mam here too!" Mr. Han said. "But again Ayra has to go there too!" Kabir said while thinking.

"Shina, get my tickets and stuff right now! We are going now! I'll just go and come back!" she said.

"But Ayra without you how will we handle it here?" Rayan asked while being worried. "Rayan you will handle everything!". "Me?" he asked nervously.

"Yes Rayan you! I believe that you can handle it! I don't know anything, I'm just giving you my Kris and you have to take care of it!" Rayan thought for a moment after hearing her but nodded "Yes I'll take care of OUR Kris!" hearing that "our" word she softly smiled at him.

"But let me drop you at the airport!" Rayan insist. "No Rayan! It’s fine! You stay here and guys fighting okay?!" "Yesss" everyone shouted.

Ayra is going to the parking area and Rayan is also going with her. She is about to sit inside the car but before that she looks at Rayan.

Holding his right cheek she said with a soft gaze "Take care my hubby baby!" and kissed his cheek. Rayan started turning red. But eventually felt bad when he was looking at her leaving car.

At midnight in Kris

Someone wearing a whole black outfit trying to break into the Kris laboratory where all the blood samples were kept as she came to destroy them. But couldn’t break it as the security system immediately activated so she ran away.

Next day

Everyone is working so seriously. Riya is also checking some files while sitting on Rayan's desk. Rayan told her to check those flies properly. Meanwhile Roby also came into Rayan's cabin.

Riya noticed him but ignored him. "Riya!". Roby  called her. "Do you need anything?"  she asked while looking everywhere but not at him. He went near her.

"Riya come on, stop it! It's been 3 months that I am running behind you and still you don't trust me?". She looked at him.

"Please don't stay in your past anymore! Don't hurt yourself more. And you are hurt means I am also hurt! So please don't do it! Seriously I wanna punch your ex fiance so badly! How dare he hurted you! I won't spare him!". Riya's  gaze suddenly turned soft.

"Riya don't live like this! Let me love you like there is no tomorrow!" he said while holding her hands.

Suddenly both of them heard the sound of opening the door. Roby and Riya both widened their eyes. Roby is thinking that now who will save him as Ayra is not also present here because there is Rayan who is standing at the doorway while being so shocked!!

Rayan went near them furiously. "R-Ray l-listen i-it's n-not l-like t-that!" Riya panicked. Meanwhile Roby is praying for himself.

"Leave!" both of them looked at each other. "I want to talk with my sister alone! Before I break you go out and wait for me!". Before leaving, Roby took a last glance at Riya.

"Rayan, please don't do anything to him. Pls don't beat him. Seriously, it's nothing like that! Please don't be angry!" Riya said too many things in one go while panicking.

"Sis! Why will I beat him, he didn’t do anything wrong!" Rayan gives a soft smile to her. Meanwhile Riya furrowed hard.

"Sis I know me and Roby always fight with each other but today the things he said, he was exactly right! How long will you stay in your past!" she looked down.

"Sis, did you ever notice Ayra and Roby's bond? It’s so pure and the trust Ayra holds for him which is so different. I don't know how but I can feel that he truly loves you! Sis, I just want to see you happy and Roby can make you happy! He is the one for you! Think about it! It's up to you" Rayan finished and patted her head and smiled. There is Riya who went into deep thoughts after hearing her brother.

Meanwhile Roby was waiting outside. "Oh god pls save me this time till my darling comes! Aish Mr. Jerk will fry me like chicken!" he gulped hard. Suddenly Rayan came out of the room with a fake angry face.

Roby nervously looked at him. With a death glare, Rayan looked at him back. He quickly looked down while tightly closing his eyes as Rayan raised his left hand.

But Rayan cutely pinched his cheeks while smiling at him and went away. Roby's eyes grew bigger due to shock. As wtf just happened. Poor boy was ready to faint!

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