Chapter 13

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Next day: (At office)

" Wtf Roby! You did what? Are you serious bitch?" Ayra shouted with her widened eyes. Meanwhile Roby nervously chuckled and showed her his puppy eyes. "Bitch not those puppy eyes! I swear!". " Yah darling don't say that!" Roby said with a pout.

"Like seriously you confessed to Riya sissy out of nowhere! Okay I saw many love at first sight stories but never saw they confessed the right way" Ayra glared at him.

"Ahh Aru you know, you are the only one who understands me! Trust me I genuinely fell for her and for me she is the one!".

"Look at me!" He looked at Ayra. She carefully looked into his eyes and sighed eventually. As she saw true love in his eyes.

Ayra has known him since her childhood and he was right; she is the one who understands him the most!

"Aww my bestie stop sighing nah!". "Ahh fine!" Ayra replied. "So you will help me right!" he asked with his hopeful eyes. She nodded her head while being helpless.

"Ahh you are always the best Aru!" he said happily and jumped on her for a hug. "Aish this bish" she said and hugged him while smiling.

Suddenly Rayan entered her cabin while reading some papers and came to show her those but he viewed the hug. He is seriously giving a "wtf" look. He went near to both of them and said "Yah you blonde why are you hugging my wife?"

"Oh Mr. Jerk! Hi!" Roby said. "I can do anything with my bestie! Any problem?" He again said with a fake smile. "You-"

"Okay darling bye I am going!" Roby said and gave a peck on her cheeks. There is Rayan who is again giving a wtf look and was ready to throw hands on him. Meanwhile Ayra is trying hard not to smile as she knows he is jealous.

"Aww my hubby baby don't worry I am only yours! He is like my baby brother so don't be jealous" Ayra said in a flirty way.

"Yah w-who is jealous huh? And why would I? I just came to give you those papers!" he said and handed her the papers and was about to leave but two staff members entered her cabin with her lunch. But quantity is too much for her which made Rayan furrowed.

"Umm seriously you gonna eat all of this?" he pointed at the food. She playfully slapped his arm. "This is not only for me! This is for us" she replied with a smile. "Huh! Don't you know I skip lunch so you eat" he said about to leave but she held him.

"Yes you used to skip lunch but not anymore. Hubby baby, eat with me like a good boy! Don't make me bring that blackmailing thing again. Ayra said while acting innocent. He quietly sits down like a baby but of course glaring at her with his side eye.

"I ordered all of your favourite dishes so eat well!". She sits beside him and starts serving the food. Rayan looked at the food while blinking his eyes.

"You still remember my favourite foods and also my favourite restaurant!". She smiled "Hubby baby I don't forget things easily! Especially not about you!" she said while directly looking into his eyes which made him so nervous so he looked away.

Ayra is happy that he is eating well. Suddenly she noticed that there was a lil bit of sauce on his lips.

She moved closer to him and whipped it with her thumb.  Rayan froze as she was too much closer to him. This made him feel something inside. Which he doesn't want to feel. He panicked and moved away from her while being nervous. She chuckled at his action.

At night


I furrowed in sleep, after hearing someone's sobs. I got up from the couch and turned on the lamp. "Ayra?" I called her as the sobs were coming from her.

Wait! Is she crying? Why is she crying? Who made her cry? Is she okay? Does she get hurt anywhere?  "Ayra?" I called her again and sat beside her.

She is crying while holding her lower abdomen. "Ayra did you get your period?". She gave me a mini nod, still she didn’t open her eyes.

" Wait for me, I'll be right back!". I went down to bring the hot pack and some oil to massage her. "Aish still her period cramps are like that!".

Ayra always had bad period cramps, which made her cry everytime. Once back then, she got her period in school. That's how I got to know about her bad cramps.

I went back to our room. While giving her the hot pack and taking some oil out as I can't see her like this. "Umm Ayra Should I give you a massage?" I asked softly.

She nodded her head slowly. I gently massaged her lower abdomen, giving her some peace. I moved my gaze to her and found her stop crying. Ahh thank god it's starting to work so fast.

I put down her night suit and covered her with a duvet. Before I could say anything, she held my hand and said, "R-Rayan sleep with me pls".......

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