Return of Number 96

Start from the beginning

Our current enemies consist of ice androids, Obelisk Force, Sector Security, Barian fighters, the once scattered remains of Pmurt Nedib's forces, and Roget himself. With the formation in place, we cause our enemies to largely focus on the area that contains just us as the field spell I activated starts having its landscape get destroyed. But even as we more efficiently take them down, it becomes obvious that there still isn't any way for us to win as things are going now. "Damn it! If only I had more power.. Then I could protect everyone. But I won't lose myself to the darkness again today! I don't know where else battles for this world are being fought but I do know that we can't give up!" But then, the monsters from the Wave start decimating our foes from the opposite side of the battle to us. In time, Roget ends up getting frustrated again: "That's it! I have no choice! Since none of you will eliminate any of my enemies successfully, I will do it myself! I see you over there with your duel disk! Face me and be destroyed!" I yell back: "I accept your challenge but know this. It isn't going to end well for you!" The duel against Roget was intense but I was able to win. I would have written about it if it weren't for the fact I dislike writing duels and there's still so much to cover about what happened in Raphtalia's World. "Aaaaaa! Damn you! Damn you all! I'm not done yet! If I can't win fairly, then I will just have to do this! Go, Barian Battlemorph!" Roget activates a giant red Barian Sphere Field. All within its range end up floating around. The tyrant who tried to take over the Synchro Dimension grins as his form changes to that of a Barian humanoid snake.

"Now the fun can really begin! All of my pawns will now be made useful! Just you wait! All of you are going to be destroyed! And when you are, you will be reincarnated as Barian soldiers, loyal to Don Thousand!" Multiple Ultimate Ancient Gear Golems were among those sent into the sphere field with us. Hearts smirks: "You think a change in form is going to scare me?" I power up with my Ki: "I wouldn't underestimate him if I were you. Damn, fighting here is going to be interesting. The formation just isn't going to work here. And that's how it is." Roget smirks: "You have easily defeated almost every single member of Don Thousand's army you've each faced so far. But now, I'll just leave the surviving members to deal with Melromarc's remaining army as well as the Wave! Instead of facing them, you'll be facing me! But not just me! I activate Super Polymerization to fuse myself with every single creature that I have command over in this sphere field in order to make myself indestructible!" Roget fuses with ice androids, Ultimate Ancient Gear Golems, and more, becoming even more powerful as a result. I sweat heavily: "And here I thought Roget would be the easiest foe to get rid of.." We all start attacking him but our attacks have no effect on him. "Useless! You're all nothing to me! You're just pawns in a game far beyond your understanding! As someone who understands that game better than any of you, that means that you'll all be mine soon enough!" We had used our typical most common moves against him. Kirito and Alice start using Enhance Armament. Because Alice is from the Underworld and Kirito is his avatar right now, they've had no trouble doing that kind of stuff while I've had lots of trouble doing it since there's little reason for me to use my duel disk to transform into my own digital avatar. Our foe laughs: "Do you all honestly believe that you stand a chance against me now that I have reached this level of power?! Hahahahaha! It's so pitiful! I see now that I've been playing with the wrong kind of power now. It's far more satisfying to destroy your enemies yourself! I'll make sure to find and destroy that traitor Sergey once you're all finished!"

"We shall not let you get away with what you have planned! Release Recollection! Go, my flowers!" "Release Recollection! Go to hell!" "Face the full power of Hecate!" "Kiddo! Check this out! Spirit Scythe: Protection Break!" All of us join in. "I think I can do this one more time without any healing. Continuous Great Infernal Tornado Slash: 45! Haaaaaa! I better not start rotting away anytime soon!" "Let's go! Master! I'm doing it! High Quick!" Roget gasps as we actually do some damage to him. "This is impossible! No one should be able to damage me! I had everything set up perfectly to prevent this! No! How is this happening?" Elrasla smirks: "Looks like someone has not yet learned to never underestimate an opponent! Guess it's about time for you to learn!" But then, Roget grins maniacally: "Don't you realize it?! I was supposed to have been turned into a tree by-" He screams as Kirito's Night Sky Blade's true power starts turning him into a tree. Kirito pants: "I think that's it when it comes to Release Recollection for me for a while." In seconds, Roget finished being transformed into a tree, shattering the Barian Sphere Field around us. We fall to the ground but quickly recover in time to see Melromarc's army push back Don Thousand's army. However, something happens before we could join them. The tree that was Roget starts breaking apart, revealing a bloodied and drained Roget still transformed. In fact, the symbol of Barian appears on his forehead as Barian energy surrounds him. In the sky, a huge Barian crystal appears and he absorbs it. His wounds heal and he undergoes a transformation causing him to look even more terrifying. The villain grins as a portal opens, revealing more Sector Security on duel runners to join the battle. "I won't let any of you defeat me! I have learned my lesson from my past failures. Reiji Akaba kept me locked in an infinite loop sometime ago. I was lost in another dimension after I made a foolish mistake. But now, bear witness to the power granted to me by Don Thousand himself as his army destroys the Wave and Melromarc's army!"

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