PAGE 13 (part-1)

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Author pov:

Another day another drama!! Jin's luck never miss a chance to make him feel that 'yeah bitch I am in charge and i can make you cry within a second' . Like right now Here our poor baby jin is standing with a glass of drink ......well let's say just a glass because the drink that WAS in the glass is now on someone face , like on there whole face , who will tell our jinnie that this is not a decent way to make someone drink , he must have thought of that person and made him drink the DRINK like that he is new at this you know . Ahh note the sarcasm !


Same day's morning :

Jin pov:

Huffing panting I am finally here , I could have been little late as sir come mostly after 20 mins me reaching here but the problem here is THE FUCKING TONGUE OF MINE , if not for Aroon It was supposed to be my 6th and last day at the company, after what happened that day sir must be thinking of ways to fire me . I cant risk by getting late too luckily when i got back from helping aroon two thing happened

1st) after entering the room i remembered how I talked with sir , yeah i forgot what i did because i was so busy in going here and there for the material which were needed to carve sir's signature sign on his suit , it was beautiful!! whatever, coming back to point when i entered the room realisation hitted me and I was terrified or horrified whichever you can say i was that. c'mon no one can forget insult even what i did Wasn't an actual insult i just said what was needed or not needed ?

2nd) HE WASN'T THERE ...pheww he wasn't in the room , after asking jimin i came to know, he went to his grandfather's house as his grandfather is sick not something to be worried about though , I hope his grandpa is okay and i also HOPE sir forgot the things i said before the weekend..............


He is here i can hear the elevator opening sound in few second door opened and he came looking as gorgeous as ever but his attitude na !! Huh he need too work on that specially with me I don't know what is his problem with me he seems to be okay with everyone except me ......

I was thinking to much and looking at him that i was unknowingly staring at him at this point now


I heard him clearing his throat , it was like second handed embarrassment. Gosh jin what even you are doing ,
Not looking and saying anything i turned around but again he cleared his throat but this time i was confused why he did that? i mean first time i can tell because he must have felt uncomfortable but why now , I turned toward him and saw him with a raised eyebrow , i gave him questioning look like duh! neither he needs his outfit now that i forgot nor did i said something which can offend him but ofcourse do he even need words to get offended?

'tch' sound came from him and he walked toward me .

"Just because I left you that day. That doesn't mean you will continue disrespecting me cause you and me both of us know i can fire you in snap of finger."

He said looking into my eyes voice all calm which made me gulp even harder i looked at him and thought what did i do on the first place to disrespect him , collecting my senses and voice i spoke-

"S-sorry si-r but -wh-at di-d I do this -ti-me?" Bhoo! Why is he coming closer!! stay away!! dont come close with that look !!

"Sure you didn't seokjin but shouldn't you greet your boss !? And instead of that what you did seokjin ?"

'I was embarrassed' that was what i wanted to say but heck can i say it no !??

"Tell me seokjin what did you do ?"

His eyes are looking more intense now , why he have to be calm here? talk to me aggressively i will take that but not this ....

"I turned around" i managed to answer him

"Glad that you know your mistake shouldn't you apologize for it first ? "

Ahhhh!! Fuck you and your apology move away first but again

"I am really very sorry sir it wont happen again, it was something i never intended to that but that happened i dont know how !!"

I said it all in one breath phew now let me goo!! At this rate i am whining inside .

"See how easy it is but dont make it your hobby to do mistake and apologize.......tch tch i wont accept that"

He made a proud face and moved away thank god!! Finally he moved away . C'mon jin you cant be like this he will be mean if you won't serve his breakfast

"Sir do you want to have your breakfast or you already had"

"Serve me "

That's all i got and to be honest thank god otherwise who knows what he would have told me ....

I served his breakfast and a notification popped in my phone tuning it on i opened the email

"Sir you have an invitation from park and son's holding, they have kept a small celebration party for there daughter who have came from abroad recently , so would like to go ?"

I asked lifting me head up to see his face i first looked at me as if questioning but letter realised what he wants

"Yeah confirm it i dont think i have anything else to do today anyway "

Nodding i sent them thanking email and letting them know he will be there

"You didn't told me when i have to reach there ?"

I gave him a embarrassed smile and replied "ouh!! I forgot you should leave for the party at 7:45 from that way you will be at the venue at eleven" he gave me a 'tch' sound and continued with his breakfast but one question arose in my head

"Sir will it be okay if i leave your outfit here ? Or you want me to be there to help you in getting ready ?"

He looked at me in all his disbelief

"When will you realise you are my manager and i need you every where i go?"

I nodded then realised what he meant
My eyes went wide as if he understood what i was thinking he just shook his head helplessly.....



Funny chapter wasn't it ? Part two will be coming sooooon bye till then

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