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Finally the day came to end after running for hours ! I will be able to go home but you know this shift didn't irritated me because i knew i need to work this much when I accepted the job offer and my previous job was far more worse than this so it okay but what irritated me the most here was that fu-- no dont curse jinnie baby, yesh that starboy kim taehyung i was the one running here and there he came sat on the couch gave interview and thats it and you know because his upcoming movie is based on a normal middle class man's life he need to be dressed as simple as he can and make up was used in minor amount too,  lets appreciate his beauty he dont need make-up no doubt but all i want to say is he didn't get that much drained maybe interview was but HE SHOULD APPRECIATE OTHER PEOPLE WHO WERE RUNNING , INSTEAD OF THAT HERE HE IS SLOUCHING ON THE CAR SIT LIKE HE ORGANIZED AND SET-UP THE WHOLE DAMN SET WITH HIS HANDS!!! and m wording why m cursing a lot today huh..

"Stop the car"

he said looking outside ,is he thinking to go outside really ?he shouldn't go outside what if people will recognise him

"sir you shouldn't go-"

"I said stop the car do what you are told to do nothing more nothing less"

HE LITERALLY CUTTED MY WORDS AGAIN THIS FUCKER , go you arrogant freak as if I care you will be in the trouble not me huff!!

"Okay sir , umm mr. Choi can you stop the car for while?"

Mr.choi gave me Little smile as if understanding the situation and parked the car where the lamps were off or probably fuse he got out of the car as soon as car stopped it was place beside river its beautiful indeed but i cant just go outside rama!! (if you see me using rama in this story please co-operate its my habit to chant that when I am frustrated i have corrected lots of time in this story but it get outs either way  and i type and erase them again and again so please co-operate)
should i go outside too? But what if he will get angry and m tried too I cant pu up with his yelling right now, some other day , i Will come here some other day for sure signing i rested my head on the seat and tried to have rest until he comes ............after 10 mins he didn't came ......15 mins not yet .......20 mins wow he really need a lesson , thinking of giving him a hearful i stepped out of the car only to panick i can se a group of girls standing not so far away from taehyung i think they haven't recognised him yet ouhh gosh what should i do car yesh car

"mr. Choi ? Park the car little far away from here seems like some peopl are suspecting him to be the kim taehyung, if they will see the car there doubt will become correct "

not waiting for his reply i went to taehyung

"lets go sir before we get into trouble"

he looked at me and again at the sight, ugh this guy, not now sir!! not now , not having choice i held him and pulled him or tried to, because he didn't even move a step ahhh-

"Leave my hands, right now "

my eyes went wide he screamed that mean those girls also heard it if they are his fan they must remember his voice come on if they can suspect him as kim taehyung just by looking at his black figure they definitely can remember his voice as being shocked i looked behind him those girls were making there way toward him no they were kinda rushing. Turning toward him i said

"you couldn't even listen to me once huh now just stay quiet and if i said quiet that meant quiet"

he was going to say something until i took my cardigan off and put it on our head , I lifted myself to his height

(lets assume jin is lil shorter then tae here)

and moved my face close to his and when our face was close i turned my face to other direction and his to another , i have been his manager just for two days and now m pulling this stunt , please !! I cant lose this job, the footstep that were rushing toward us were stopped seems like they got what i was trying to do

'no its not him' ' lets go he won't come here ' we need therapy seeing him everywhere '

I heard giggles a lot of giggles they are in groups gosh! Hopefully they went way i peeked through my Jacket and yes they weren't there anymore , and i removed my Jacket from our head and signed in relief phew!! Looking up to him he had his one eyebrow raised he asked

" what was all this?"

"Huh really instead of saying thanks to me you are showing as if i did some bad thing"

without saying anything still looking at me he moved backward, then only i realised how close i was standing to him and what i did ahhh!! Where should i run NO I cant show  I am embarrassed especially infront of him never, and also after doing the things i did by myself

"well we could have just run if you would have told me earlier that there are people around"

he said looking straight into my eyes,ugh m not good at keeping eye contact and specially when I am blushing no embarrassed myself . Not saying anything i made my way toward the car i guess his mind came into its place he followed me too i sure if he didn't this time i would have got him to the cars by pulling his ears ,

Rest of the journey was silent they dropped me to my appartment and went to sir's house but before getting down from the car i replied what was in me from the time we took sit in car

"sir sorry for the action i did while ago but i did told you to came with me before we get into trouble but you didn't, instead you screamed and those girls caught your voice not having anyway i did what came in my mind first"

bowing and not waiting for the reply i cane in my bedroom and spread my self on the bed..............changing my position and looking at the frame where a random family photo is placed, i smiled through pain i wish i had a family too , with whom i can have dinner after coming home no one insist me to eat when i come home even if i sleep empty stomach no one is here to care for me.... M not deserving of it ?

That's it for now m really sleepy right i mean its 2:17 am , will correct the errors tomorrow , bye loveys have nice day ahead 🫂

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