The Persona And The Shadow

Start from the beginning

Lucina: Agnus, what's the most you ever lost on a coin toss?

Agnus: what?

Lucina: what is the most you ever lost in a coin toss?

Agnus: nothing. I never lose what I don't play. And I would never play a game of chance.

Lucina took out a small red coin.

Lucina: call it.

Agnus: what?

Lucina: call the flip. Heads or tails?

Agnus: what do I stand to lose?

Lucina: everything.

Agnus was confused but slightly scared.

Agnus: heads?

She flipped the coin at him and it hit the swords. They began to pop and damage him. He returned to normal and was left bloody and dying. She walked up to the coin and picked it up.

Lucina: lucky bastard.

She pocketed the coin and walked away.

Agnus: before you go, answer me one question.

Lucina: what is it?

Agnus: how? How did you beat me?!

Lucina: simple, you pissed me off.


(y/n) was walking down the halls still angry about having to waste his morning finding a crystal from the ruins. He knocked on a door and Cinder opened it.

Cinder: oh (y/n). What do you want?

(y/n): i want Agni and Rudra. I need their help to find something in the ruins.

Cinder: oh sure.

She walked in her room for a moment and hands him the swords

(y/n): thank you kindly.

He stowed them and walked away.

(y/n): you two can speak.

Agni: it was horrible.

Rudra: she's evil.

(y/n): just because she barely used you doesn't make her evil. I rarely use some of my weapons and that doesn't make me evil.

Agni: we don't mean that.

Rudra: she's planning on...

(y/n): I'm sorry but I'm going to have to cut you off. I need your help to find the crystal that makes your shadow fight you.

Agni: we know where it is.

(y/n): good.


Eventually he made it to the ruins of the Temen-ni-gru with the help of the twin swords.

(y/n): man this coffee really wakes you up. What's in it?

He looked at the receipt and read the ingredients.

(y/n): adrenaline. No wonder why my heart is pounding like a rabbit.

He threw the cup away and grabbed the swords.

(y/n): so where is it?

Agni: go straight for a while.

Rudra: we'll tell you when to change directions.

He began to walk straight till the sword told him to move left. (y/n) turned left and kept walking. Soon (y/n) made it into a small pitch black area.

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