Chapter twenty one:

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Without much hope, the two kept grabbing at the man, trying their best to pry him off of the kitsune he was basically harassing. But to no avail, they simply weren't strong enough.

And the raven didn't let that bother him in the slightest, making sure to always support the other's weight with his hands as soon as he got them free every time, smiling down at the other before leaning in and wolfing down his lips like they were a meal. He sucked, played, bit, and even used his tounge to dominate the other, making him moan from the overwhelming pleasure. While the sunshine wanted to get away, as he knew the raven was under the influence of whatever drug Sakura made. He didn't want to use the other for his pleasure. It just felt wrong to him.

So, with tears in his eyes, he started pushing the other away, thumping his fist against the other's chest with tears flowing down. "Please.. this isn't like you.." the man sniffed, feeling an oncoming sobb. Even Sakura felt bad, seeing the state the blonde was in because of her. She knew she had to fix her mistake, so she asked their sensei for the keys to their hotel, rushing there to get her things to create an antidote. Meanwhile Sasuke was looking weirdly at Naruto, his face turning darker and saddening at seeing the other cry.

"Baby.. don't cry. I assure you. I really do like you. This.. whatever it is... is just driving me crazy.. for you. And I wouldn't have it any other way." He assured, leaning back down to kiss him again. As he moved back, he saw that the blonde still had tears flowing down his face, but he looked better than before. The man then hugged him, getting in control of the potion as he stomped down his feelings and urges, in order to comfort the jinchuriki he cared so much for.

He loved him. He really did. He just never knew how to express that love. This potion just made his body move on its own, giving in to his temptations, which he had been holding back for too long. He smiled gently at Naruto, kissing his eyes before wiping his tears away. They kept flowing, which worried the male a bit. "Hey, naru.. why are you crying? I told you I'm ok. I don't feel pain or anything, and I most definitely am not against being with you, so what's the matter?" He asked in a loving, cooing voice which was so unlike him, yet suited him well.

"You.. actually mean that?" He asked bitter, wiping his tears with the sleeve of his jacket, looking up at the other. Despite straddling his waist, he was still shorter. It hurt him that the raven could say such words so easily. How they just rolled off of his tounge like they weren't one of the biggest promises you could make. It hurt him. Because he felt the pain of losing someone he put his trust in. Someone he'd come to adore for their selflessness , who was torn from him, never to be seen again. (Itachi) And what made matters worse was that.. he couldn't belive him.

No matter how hard he tried, how much he willed himself to belive the honey that was being offered to slather his heart. He feared it would attract bees, which would eat away at his heart if he committed to the relationship.

"Of course I mean it my little kitsune. I could never betray you. The moment I layed my eyes on you, my heart already knew. I knew I wanted to be yours from the start, I just didn't know how to interpret my feelings." Onyx eyes locked with azure, teary ones, which were freshly coated with a sheen of oncoming tears.

The blonde broke down, bursting into a sob once more as the raven did his best to comfort him, hugging him tight and whispering sweet nothings into his ear. He appreciated what the raven did. He could tell from the intense flow of chakra that the raven was holding back as best he could, fighting against the potion that fueled his veins and actions.

Shocking everyone, he pulled back from the hug, raising his arm and slapping Sasuke across the cheek, only to grab both of his cheeks and pull him into a kiss right after. The man was shocked. Torn between if he should be angry or happy. What did this mean? His cheek was still sore, but the desperate lips and tounge lapping at his own only made it harder to resist as heat built up on his body body the point he couldn't take it anymore, so he let the poison overtake his body once more. He grabbed the other by the bum, squeezing it and using his other hand to trail across his back under his shirt, having easily slipped his hand there.

The Uchiha could feel the tears of the other smudge against his skin, feeling one's of his own coming on. He realized he might finally have the blonde, that he finally manged to get his crush to like him back. It was the most heartbreaking yet heartwarming sight to see. Two broken souls, connecting to be one as they kissed and showered their partner with all the possible love they could give, both drowning in their own tears.

Naruto held onto the man's cheek, one hand at the back of his head, gently tugging at the hairs, while the other male caressed his feminine body, making sure to pour all the emotion he could, crafting every kiss with love. They both kept at it, sorrow mixing with overjoyed happiness as they came to realize how much they depended on eachother. And how much one really meant to the other.

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