Chapter eight:

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That's when Jiraya re-appeared, grabbing them by their necks and really knocking them unconscious. After that deed was over, he proceeded proceeded tie the duo to the tree where they abandoned their chains, using said metal to tie them up with a smug grin.

After that he turned to Naruto, telling him that the gauntlets were poisoned and that he needed to suck out 6he poison and treat the wound as soon as possible. In fact, he even mentioned going back to the village to get him treated, plus, their escortee lied about the seriousness of the mission, after all, they were just children and still ge-nin.

"No! I'm not going back there!" He yelled, lowering his head to the point where a dark shadow loomed over his face, obscuring it from view. He then surprised everyone by grabbing a kunai out of his leg-pocket and stabbing it into his arm where the wound was.

"Naruto! What are you doing-?!" Sasuke spoke worried, reaching out to help him, a rare show of affection he otherwise wouldn't show on any other situation.

"No. I swear, by this pain, that I will no longer run! I will stay and I will fight. That is my ninja way dattebayo!"

Then, he turned to Tazuna. "So, tell me why you were hunted by those nin? We were supposed to protect you from thiefs and lowlives such as them, but you have ninja actively trying to kill you, which would make this escort b level." He spoke with reason, leaving no room for arguments.

"Well- urgh fine. I'll tell you the truth I suppose. It's just that, my land is too poor to afford a higher rank mission. Ever since that.. Gato guy came.. he took everything from us, even our hopes. Now there's barely anything sustaining us and all hope is lost." He spoke, his voice sultry as he remembered the Fateful day their hero was put on trial by Gato and his men.

"Actually, why didn't you guys leave? I've endangered the children and lied to you about the mission. So why didn't you?" He asked the toad-nin, looking at him with hopefull eyes.

"As our sandaime always used to say: To know what is right and choose to ignore it, is the act of a coward. Meaning that even though you tricked us, you were doing it for the greater good. So, since this will be a great opportunity to train the kids, and do my job as an escort and protecter of the kids." He explained, leaving sir Tazuna speachless.

"Thank you so much! I will make sure to repay you as best as I possibly can once the bridge is finished and we're better off." He said, bowing at the sannin.

And they were on their way again, the children somewhat ahead of them, seeing as they didn't notice their sensei and escortee stop to talk. Now there was a comfortable silence among all of them, everyone left to their own devices. Naruto was smiling, looking around, Sasuke and Kakashi were,admiring the blonde, Sakura kept trying to get Sasuke to hold her hand, jiraya was writing in his icha icha paradise, and tazuna was just looking on in amusement.

Soon, they arrived at a lake covered in heavy mist, a man with a small boat waiting on them. As soon as he saw them, his eyes lit up, thanking them on bringing back their bridge-builder unharmed. They all boarded, Naruto deciding to yell into the void, to see if it would echo.

"Shhhh!" The driver warned him. "Why do you think we're traveling without an engine? It's to remain undetected, the mist is what we're using as cover to get past unnoticed."

Naruto quickly apologized, keeping quiet for the rest of the way. The other just admired the sight as soon as the left the mist, heading for a harbor to board the train. Once they were all off, they thanked the driver, then left to go to the old man's home. Upon arriving, they were greeted by a beautiful woman, her son clinging to her leg while peeking at the customers from behind his mother. She smiled, thanking the nin for bringing back her father safe and sound. "Come in, come in! I'll have dinner ready in just a minute!" She spoke excitedly, rushing back into the house to check on the food while the old man showed them into the house.

Once inside, Naruto noticed how the little boy kept clinging to his mother, seemingly afraid to let go, like he'd loose her or something. "Alright! Dinner is ready! Can someone help me place it on the table?" To that, Naruto immediately rushed over, grabbing one of the heavier pots and placing it onto the table.

Once the table was set, they all said: "Itadakimasu!" Then dug in, savoring the woman's amazing culinary skills. That's when jiraya spoke up, curios as to why the village was so run down qnd devoid of the happy spirits he was used to back in konoha.

"So, what happened? Why is this city so... sad?" He asked, curiosity dripping from his voice. He then proceeded to prop his head onto his entwined fingers, which were resting on his elbows on the table.

"Ah.. that would be because of one really brave man whom we've lost to the monster Gato." He began. Inari, having heard his stepfather be mentioned, slammed his palms onto the table and stood up, rushing up to his room.

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