Chapter five:

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Their first mission ended up being a request to find a missing cat named tiger. While Naruto wasn't all too pleased about it, he complied anyways, getting the earpieces their sensei had recieved for the mission.

As they all hid in the woods where the cat was last sighted according to some hunter-nin that lived nearby, they had to hide their chakra aswell, as the creature was sure to feel it, and thereby, their presence.

Naruto, whom was in a brush and buried by leaves could smell that the cat was near, he just needed to pinpoint exactly where it was. Jumping out of the brush and taking a quick glance around he closed his eyes, using his sense of smell to try and find the cat. Which, surprisingly enough, worked. Of course, he didn't really have anything that smelled of the cat, but he could tell a cat from any other animal, just like he can tell animals from animals. It was just the simple fact that every species had a certain smell, no matter the gender or age, which made it easier to track down what he needed.

What our sunshine didn't know however, was that Kakashi was currently doing the same thing, using his dog-like nose to try and sniff out the cat. Instead, he immediately caught the smell of the blonde, quickly, but quietly rushing over to his position.

"I have eyes on the target!" Naruto whisper-yelled, pressing a button on the side of the little device to transmit the message.

"Good job kid, well be there in a minute." A deep, male voice spoke, which the blonde identified as Jiraya's voice.

He got into position, ready to pounce on the cat. Now, he would have got it, hadn't it been for some rustling leaves nearby that woke the cat up and scared it. Naruto, dejected, looked at me ground before activating the transmitter again.

"Nevermind, seems a rabbit nearby chased it away." He spoke, watching said animal hope out from the bush that was making noise.

Naruto, whom was sullen because he couldn't catch the critter and now was even more of a burden on his team, did not notice a certain siler-haired man observing him. It wasn't long until that man would do something to leave the blonde, and himself speachless.

Kakashi, who was watching Naruto from the branches above couldn't help but snicker. That's when a thought that overrid his body popped up. He sat down, clenching the thick branch with his thighs and shins, swinging down from the tree and hanging right before a sullen looking Naruto. Before the boy could react, he placed both hands on either cheek of the blonde and pulled him in, kissing him upside-down.

Naruto was Stunned into silence, not knowing what to do as he felt gentle lips undulating with his own. Closing his eyes, he tried to kiss back, savoring the surprisingly sweet flavor of the other. Tears ran down his cheeks, staining them, he was just so greatfull to have someone like him. In fact, love him at best. He's never experienced it before, but finds this to be a pleasant experience. As he moved away to get some air, he could see the saliva make a string to yet connect their mouths, noticing the man's flushed face, matching his own which did not expect that to happen.

That's when the silver-haired moved away, swinging back onto the branch and jumping away, leaving a stunned blonde in his wake. Naruto quickly shook his head, wiping his already swelling, wet lips with his sleeve. He then slapped his cheeks, hoping that could ground him from the weird, yet enjoyable event that happened only moments ago. As he was steeling himself he noticed a certain shawl on the ground. Realizing the other must have dropped it in his haste, he quickly picked it up, stuffing it into his pouch and then jumping up into the thicket in hopes of catching up to the other.

Little does he know, someone was watching them, and he was emitting a very jealous aura, seeing as he wished to be in the silver-man's place.

The mysterious man then disappeared, ready to continue his actions of following the other and observing him. He resolved that he will copy the copy-nin, only, that he will make it better. And more enjoyable. He was uninterested in the task handed to them as it was, so there was nothing better for him to do than to follow his blonde sunshine.

But will the other be willing to do the same for another man? Will he push him away, or accept him? The man had doubts, seeing as the other was clearly the blonde's first time. It tugged at his heart to know he may have lost his chance with the blonde, but he wasn't about to give up, no way. After all, he knew the blonde far longer than the dog-nin and he had developed feelings much sooner. To him, it wasn't fair at all that a new person just went ahead and stole his crushes first kiss. He wanted to be the one to take his first kiss.

Well, he'd just have to wait until they're older and then be the first to take his v-card. Smirking at his malicious plan, he headed off, deciding to leave the blonde for now and instead finish the mission as soon as possible so that he can be together with his crush sooner.

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