Chapter nineteen:

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You guys! Where do you find the time?! Thank Thank you so much for 550+ reads!

Since they were in the land of fire, they were released and left to their own devices. Only Jiraya had recieved further information concerning hotels and more.

But he wouldn't want to bother the kids with it. After all, he needed to 'disappear' so that he can pull some strings from the background. While Kakashi set off with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura stayed behind, each for a different reason.

Sasuke wanted to buy Naruto a gift, or wait until night to invite him to the Ramen shop he was set on finding. After all, his blonde loved Ramen and he would do his best to surprise him with a date to the Ramen shop.

Sakura on the other hand, she had much more sinister plans. In fact, she even decided to go to the hospital to get some ingredients she needed, but also to offer her help. She wanted to put her skills to use and brag a bit while she was on unfamiliar territory. So she set off, in search of the hospital of the land, while also making sure to keep track of Sasuke's whereabouts, just so that she knew where he would be and if she could slip him the potion.

~ With Naruto and Kakashi ~

"Do you think we'll find a Ramen shop?" Naruto asked, looking at the silver-haired man with hopefull eyes.

Kakashi couldn't help but smile at that cute expression. "I'm sure we will. But until then, I want to go to some shops and see what they offer here. Maybe eve buy a souvenir or two." The man explained, looking towards the first shop they were about to approach.

"Well then, lets go do that! Oh! I see one right there dartebayo!" The man exclaimed, enthusiastically grabbing the dog nin's shoulders and shaking him while pointing his index finger at the shop just behind them.

The silverette sighed with a chuckle, eye-smiling at the blonde as he was practically dragged into the store by him. He didn't mind, so long as it was his sunshine. The one who made him feel again, the one who saved him from the dark place he was trapped in after both his sensei and father died, after he accidentally killed rin, and watched his teammate obito die. He had vowed to never get attached again and to hide away his feelings, in fear of another heartbreak he couldn't take. But.. the blonde made it impossible for him to even think straight. All he wanted was to have him, to hold him in his arms and love him forever.

Naruto oblivious to the other's thoughts, only managed to read sadness that mingled with a sense of joy in the man's eye. He wanted to ask him about it, but was interrupted as he broke from his reverie, pointing to a section for dogs. He immediately headed that way, the kitsune hot on his heels. Once in the aisle, he looked around, searching for a little scarf for his main nin-ken.

"What are you searching for Kakashi?" The blonde asked, looking at the direction the other had fixated his gaze to. 'Aha! Accessories for his dogs! I can help him with that!' He thought happily, bouncing over to the spot where the scarfs are, reaching out for one, only to realize that he was too short to reach it.

He started jumping, trying to reach the toppest rack with the scarfs to no avail. "Uwaah-!" He exclaimed, feeling string hands wrap around his thighs, him now comfortably sitting on the silver-haired man's shoulders. He blushed madly, almost feeling like he was about to faint, knowing the man was right between his legs.

And Kakashi seemed to get this, getting a.. not so good idea. He turned his head slightly, kissing the clothed inside of Naruto's thigh, using his thumbs to massage it. Naruto, who was reaching for the scarfs, had stopped, covering his mouth as he almost let out a sound. The dog nin realized this, and made it a point to try and pleasure the blonde, while also getting him to embarass himself for fun.

The kitsune didn't really like that, pulling one of his legs up and letting it crash back down, hitting Kakashi in the chest with the heel of his shoe. The man cringed, stumbling, but remained his balance, apologizing to the blonde. Finally, he reached out and got some scarfs looking through the designs as he held them. He stopped, seeing one he found both cute and good-looking. He placed all the others back, marveling at the sight of the scarf he had found and acquired.

Kakashi looked up, also curious as to what caught the jinchuriki's attention. Then he also laid eyes on the scarf, instantly liking it. "This one is perfect!" The blonde exclaimed, raising the cloth above his head in a 'yeah!' position.

The chidori user put him down, taking the piece of cloth to examine it. "I love it." He finally spoke, thanking the blonde while eye-smiling at him. They both went to the counter to check out, Naruto giddy with excitement as he began smelling the oh so familiar smell of noodles in broth with toppings to garnish the dish. "Hurry up! Dattebayo! I can smell the Ramen shop!" He exclaimed, grabbing Kakashi by the arm as soon as he payed and had the product sealed in a scroll.

Kid Kakashi x Naruto (Sasunaru aswell)Where stories live. Discover now