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Tae smiled when he saw his hyungie coming towards him.

Jeongguk sighed coming to his safe place and just engulfing him in his arms yes taehyung is his safe place his worries his sorrows everything dies just with a mere smile from the younger and for him tae is his everything.

"Pup how was your day? " jeongguk asked after breaking the hug but still holding him close to his chest.

"It was awesome kookie I went out on a date with bogumie hyung and he also gifted me my fav flowers so yeah its all good" taehyung chirped not noticing how jeongguk face fall but he covered it up quickly with a smile.

Yeah after all these years of pretending, hiding his feelings from the person he can die for, when he just thought of confessing his love for younger the younger came and confessed how this one classmate of him proposed him to be his boyfriend and that he doesn't want to hurt him by rejecting him, well this is how tae is, he can't see anyone getting hurt specially atleast not because of him, too navie to understand some things, well from that day on jeongguk thought some things are really not in our hands, that one person with whom he is madly in love with for whom he can die for is somebody's else now but he is content that atleast he can watch him from afar for being happy for being in love, but the only diffrence is its with someone who's not him, oh how he wish to be the person taehyung is with, but okay he can bear it for the mere smile of younger but sometimes it becomes too much.

"Kookie on earth" taehyung says, waving his hand in front of older to get his attention.

"Ahh sorry tae I just I jus--"

"okay leave it" taehyung cut him off in the mid and pull him to sit on the couch.

"Kookie you know that my eighteenth birthday is coming" tae says while clapping his hand and turning toward jeongguk so that he can sit on his lap comfortably.

"Yeah yeah I know pup how can I forget your birthday " he says with a smile while kissing his forehead

"You know what kookie I'm really lucky to have you in my life sometimes I really thought what happend to me if you not find me there I- don-t know what-tt I-"

"Shh shh its okay everything is fine I'm here I'm here always will be there for you" jeongguk cut him off while hugging him and rubbing his hands up and down on his back to relax him.

Its always like this whenever the younger try to recall his past he ends up crying or otherwise having panic attacks so jeongguk always try to avoid the topic. The boy he is holding in his arms is everything he can ask for and just happy with his mere presence.He don't want to see even a single tear in his eyes.



"Baby" after a while when he call him and got no answer he looked down and saw younger sleeping and softly snoring and jeongguk thought,here's the guy who wrapped him around his fingers sleeping soundly and boy jeongguk just can sit whole day to see this beautiful creature infront of him.

After sometime he held the boy in his arms safely and silently don't want other to wakeup and walked upstairs he opend tae's room and layed him down on the bed and wrapped him up in the blankets.

He kneeled down infront of bed and stared at tae,his beautiful face flawless skin his cute little moles his lips, his lips that jeongguk wanted to savour but he know he can't.

"You don't even know tae what you are for me" he sighed while kissing the boys forehead and then standing up to leave the room.

Jeongguk comes to his room and laydown on his bed and got lost in his own thoughts and like taehyung said that what if he ..if he was not there when the car got crashed what if he never found tae he can't even imagine his life without the said boy now.

So the thing is tae and his parents got into an accident and luckily or not so luckily jeongguk was just happens to be pass from the same way when he witness the whole thing and found tae on the road side...and poor taehyung he was just 11 that time everything goes blank for him that time he can't even remember anything clearly, he just know that his parents are not anymore and after that jeongguk becomes everything to him and jeongguk took care of him from dealing
with his panic attacks in the middle of night to breakout the boy's shell and made him to atleast converse with people.

Life's unfair sometimes.

"Kookie" and jeongguk stired from his sleep coz of the continues knocks on his door and have no other options other than getting up and opening it so he got up and went to open the door half asleep

"Kookie why it took you so long" taehyung says making his way to enter the room.

"Kookie" he huffed and laid down on the bed

"What you doi-"

"What I'm still feeling asleep" he said cutting him off while lying on the bed and hugging taehyung from behind

"No~~~listen to me first" tae whined playing with olders finger

"Yeah yeah I'm all ears" he said nuzzling in his neck

"Ahh kookie its tickling " he said while giggling softly and trying to free from the olders hug

"Tae please stay"

"Okay okay" but dada is calling you in his office

"What for?"

"How do I know kookie"

"Okay so getup c'mon" he says still struggling
In his arms.

"Yeah coming in 5 min" he said now hugging a pillow coz taehyung freed himself from him to his dismay.

"ah kookie" tae says holding the door knob and fidgeting nervously.


"Actually mama told me to tell you dadda is calling about half and hour ago" he said nervously

"WHATTTTTT and you are telling me this now tae" he said sleep long gone

Tae now giggled looking at his kookie hyung
looking so cute while glaring at him.

"And yeah don't forget to take shower" he says giggling and leaving a shocked jeongguk behind.

"You just wait and watch little munchkin" he says running to the bathroom for a quick shower.


Guys how you all are doing ...

There are going to be grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language so yeah let it be and I'm going to try my best

I'm so sad I've to create a new account and publish all the chapters again.... Anyways please vote.

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