Sixth member (update)

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Name: Xander Alexandra

Xander Alexandra is the Son of the Governor General, Azazel, the founder/leader of Grigori, and former Exorcist for the Vatican, Mizuki Amano

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Xander Alexandra is the Son of the Governor General, Azazel, the founder/leader of Grigori, and former Exorcist for the Vatican, Mizuki Amano

he possesses one of the God of the Bible's most powerful elements which is the power to manipulate divine lightning, instead of holy lightning. Xander is listed on Vali's "wants to fight against" list.


Xander Alexandra is an otherworldly handsome young man with an amazing body physique, Azazel has stated several times that he takes more of her mother than himself and his attractive looks are due to his fallen angel blood. Xander has long rosé pink-colored hair with a golden bang and Grey-colored eyes standing at a height of 5 feet and 7 inches.

Whenever in combat or during serious situations, he wears a grey dogi, a long-sleeved black undershirt with a turtleneck, a red sash, black pants, and pointy white boots


Xander is initially seen as an incredibly kind and generous young Man, along with having a slight fatherly aura. As a child, he would help her mother around the house; whether it was cooking or cleaning. Even though he would hear both good and bad (mostly perverted) things about his father from his mother, Xander knew that he was a good person if his mother thought he was a good person that was the level of trust and love that he held for her mother.

After his mother died, he was reserved for weeks before finally opening up to the people of the fallen Angel faction. he deeply cares about his father, though he would normally scold him whenever he does something either reckless or very dangerous; he would punish him by hitting him on the head with a clipboard or ordering the other members of fallen angels to band his Sacred Gear research and even taking away Shemhazai for five months.

Xander has also shown to be very organized, as he acts as his father's assistant along with Shemhazai. Azazel even stated that out of anyone he would leave the fallen Angel faction to either him or Shemhazai. he can also be described as being an adorable little Brother by Vali (who won't admit it openly), Tobio, and Akeno. Although similar to his mother, Xander does display some hints of psychopathic tendencies (like his he does have this side of his under control...most of the time); he is referred to as an Ultimate Yandere. At times when his psychopathic side gets out of control, even Azazel won't be able to stop him when he's like that and would be scared to even try.


For most of his childhood, Xander was raised by his mother Mizuki, a former warrior from the Church before leaving after finding out she was pregnant with him. he lived in a small house that was located in a small town along with his mother. During his time living with his mom, she had always told him both good and bad stories about what his father was like. Though she never told him about her days as an Exorcist nor about his father being a Fallen Angel.

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