Third member (update)

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Name: Quintessa
Nicknames: The Last Survivor, Kuoh's Princess

Quintessa, formerly known as Mariah is a former Exorcist who was excommunicated after she found out about the truth of the death of God of the Bible

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Quintessa, formerly known as Mariah is a former Exorcist who was excommunicated after she found out about the truth of the death of God of the Bible. Quintessa began to attend Kuoh Academy as a second-year student.

Later Quintessa was reincarnated as an Angel by the Great Seraph, Gabriel through one of her Brave Saints, her ranking is "Ace". Quintessa had soon become a swordswoman of the Selever Team, she wields one of the last Holy Swords, Galatine. She is the third member of True White Dragon God Emperor of the Arcane God.


Quintessa is a beautiful young woman with long blonde hair, purple eyes and a mole under her left eye. Most of the time Quintessa has her hair flowing passed her back, but in combat, she ties her hair in the back. As an Exorcist, she wore the standard Church battle attire; a black skin-tight, short-sleeved unitard, matching fingerless gloves and thigh-high boots, which is adorned with straps. This was worn under a white hooded cloak with gold and blue accents, along with a crucifix around her neck. After she transferred to Kuoh Academy, she wears the female school uniform. Following her Angelization by Gabriel, she has a red "A" printed on her right hand, symbolizing her position as Gabriel's Ace.


Quintessa is an overall sweet young woman who cares about her friends and allies. Unlike Kiba, she doesn't share the same hatred for Excalibur as he does (though she was taken away from the Holy Sword Experiment due to being an actual natural-born Holy Sword user). When he battled against Xenovia the first time they met, Quintessa cared deeply about Kiba, not wanting him to succumb to a path of revenge.

Quintessa also has a slightly teasing side, mainly directed at her friends— Irina, Xenovia, and Kazuki. Also, after finding out about the death of God and the incident with Kokabiel, she soon developed a crush on Xander.


Originally she was called Mariah, one of the orphans who were taken in by the Church along with her twin brother and like him she was chosen to be apart of the "Holy Sword Project" that was supervised by Valper. Though due to the fact that she was one of the rarely found naturally born Holy Sword wielder, she was taken away from her brother to train to become an Exorcist. A couple of days had passed and she heard about the massacre that had occurred during the Holy Sword Project and heard that her brother had died along with the others. After hearing that, she fell into a deep depression and didn't talk to anyone for over two months. After she had recovered from her depression, through her resolve to want to live for everyone who had died during the project and wanting to make sure that it never happened again. During her training, she had changed her name from Mariah to Quintessa.

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